RH Bugzilla Integration commented on JBESB-3783:
David Le Sage <dlesage(a)redhat.com> made a comment on [bug
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Normally, the SOAPProxy will change the service port addresses in WSDL (which are
provided by a target Web service endpoint) from the default settings to the ESB's URL.
However, if the target is a SOAP 1.2 service, the SOAPProxy fails to rewrite its SOAP 1.2
address location and the default URL remains in the WSDL instead.
To work around this issue, use the SOAPProxy action's wsdlTransform property (found in
the jboss-esb.xml file) to supplement the missing transformer for SOAP 1.2. See the bug
ticket for a code sample.
SOAPProxy doesn't rewrite SOAP1.2 service port address location
Key: JBESB-3783
Project: JBoss ESB
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: Web Services
Affects Versions: 4.11
Reporter: Sato Tadayoshi
Attachments: JBossESB_SOAPProxy.patch
SOAPProxy should rewrite the service port addresses in WSDL provided by a target Web
service endpoint from the original URL to ESB's URL. But if the target is a SOAP 1.2
service, SOAPProxy fails to rewrite its SOAP 1.2 address location and the original URL
remains to be presented in the WSDL provided by ESB like below:
{code:xml|title=WSDL published by ESB}
<definitions ...
<service name='GoodbyeWorldWSService'>
<port binding='tns:GoodbyeWorldWSBinding'
<!-- original Web service address, not ESB's -->
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