RH Bugzilla Integration commented on JBESB-3796:
Rick Wagner <rwagner(a)redhat.com> made a comment on [bug
+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #820031 +++
Description of problem:
I have an EBWS based service which is using the SyncServiceInvoker to call a second
service. This all works fine but if I throw an exception after the SyncServiceInvoker call
the exception is not propagated to the client as a soap fault.
However if I remove the invocation of the SyncServiceInvoker and throw an exception, a
soap fault is sent to the client.
I have attached a test project which demonstrates this.
To see the fault just comment out the SyncServiceInvoker call.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Use attached example project
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Deploy the attached example project to SOA Platform 5.2.0
2. Use any SOAP Client to send a WS request to the ESB.
3. Observe that the returned response is not a SOAP Fault
--- Additional comment from rwagner(a)redhat.com on 2012-05-11 09:22:34 EDT ---
Created attachment 583845
User's example.
--- Additional comment from rwagner(a)redhat.com on 2012-05-11 11:37:51 EDT ---
The attached reproducer shows that the caller might or might not see a fault depending on
whether or not ServiceInvoker is used in the Action chain.
On the Support case, Jason has suggested this might be related to
Could we please take a look at this for SOA-P 5.3?
--- Additional comment from jshepherd(a)redhat.com on 2012-05-15 20:29:58 EDT ---
The customer tried the suggestion on issue, JBESB-3772. And found it fixed this problem.
We suggest the change implementer try suggestions there as a starting point.
--- Additional comment from rwagner(a)redhat.com on 2012-05-22 08:27:03 EDT ---
GSS bumping from 'medium' to 'high'. The customer is expressing interest
in the issue, we would really like this one for 5.3.
--- Additional comment from rwagner(a)redhat.com on 2012-06-06 09:03:50 EDT ---
Not accepted as a blocker for 5.3, but we probably should re-visit this issue later.
--- Additional comment from sdorfiel(a)redhat.com on 2012-06-12 01:00:36 EDT ---
Technical note added. If any revisions are required, please edit the "Technical
Notes" field
accordingly. All revisions will be proofread by the Engineering Content Services
New Contents:
Exception handling issues can arise after the SyncServiceInvoker fails. If an exception is
thrown after the SyncServiceInvoker call, the error is not sent to the client. This can be
resolved by setting a "FaultTo" EPR in a custom composer-class set on the
service's FS-Provider.
--- Additional comment from jshepherd(a)redhat.com on 2012-08-12 18:50:35 EDT ---
I confirmed this issue still exists on the 5.3 branch. Could we please have this addressed
in the next roll-up patch?
--- Additional comment from jira-update(a)redhat.com on 2012-08-28 17:57:14 EDT ---
Jason Shepherd <jshepherd(a)redhat.com> made a comment on jira JBESB-3796
Suggested fix to be implemented on 4.11_CP branch
--- Additional comment from jshepherd(a)redhat.com on 2012-08-28 17:59:26 EDT ---
Created attachment 607702
Suggested fix for Branch JBESB_4_11_CP
Pending QA Approval
Exception handling after SyncServiceInvoker fails
Key: JBESB-3796
Project: JBoss ESB
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: Rosetta
Affects Versions: 4.10, 4.11
Environment: SOA Platform 5.2.0
Reporter: Jason Shepherd
Attachments: BZ820031.patch, SupportCase00634223.zip
I have an EBWS based service which is using the SyncServiceInvoker to call a second
service. This all works fine but if I throw an exception after the SyncServiceInvoker call
the exception is not propagated to the client as a soap fault.
However if I remove the invocation of the SyncServiceInvoker and throw an exception, a
soap fault is sent to the client.
I have attached a test project which demonstrates this.
To see the fault just comment out the SyncServiceInvoker call.
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