http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBESB-880?page=comments#action_12373732 ]
Len DiMaggio commented on JBESB-880:
Note from Jirka on running the tests (he is in the ESB class in the UK next week)
1) Test environment is
xen47.englab.brq.redhat.com user soaesb1 pw soaesb1
2) Dwonload file from there ee.tar
3) Unpack it to trunk/qa
4) cd EE/quickstarts/tests
5) ant rebuild-ng
6) Establish local web server that will make access to output/lib
7) Set appropriate property test.performance.urlprefix in target executng - it should be
url that allows access to esb files
8) Start ESB on xen47 using bin/run.sh -c mysql -b
9) Run ant -Dtestng.filter=Performance1Test -Dtest.performance.messagecount=1
-Dtest.performance.messagefile=25KB_message.xml executeng
message files are store in ../messages
10) When you finish the test then stop the ESB and clen the database using
mysql soaesb1_as -u soaesb1 --password=soaesb1 < ~/clear_jbm.sql
Additional notes:
Just to conclude - Four tests exist:
1 - simple service testing, one service on real work done
2 - bpm_orchestaration2 converted to static esb configuration
3 - tests only transformarmation
4 - bpm_orchestartion2
Planned are one or two more test regarding web services performance
The test names are used here -Dtestng.filter=Performance1Test
Missing feature righ now - startup and shut down ESB on remote host to control testing,
remotely cleaning database
Probably requires some support Perl script
Note on step #7 above:
<ldimaggi_laptop> > 7) Set appropriate property test.performance.urlprefix in
target executng - it should be url that allows access to esb files
<ldimaggi_laptop> ------> Where is this property defined?
<jpechane> File build.xml, target executng, task testng and there is property
<jpechane> It will be moved later to config file
The ESB is blocked under heavy load when using JMS
Key: JBESB-880
Project: JBoss ESB
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: Rosetta, Transports
Affects Versions: 4.2 Milestone Release 3
Environment: RHEL 5, PostgreSQL
Reporter: Jiri Pechanec
Assigned To: Kevin Conner
Priority: Blocker
Fix For: 4.2
When the ESB is forced to process a huge batch of messages then it blocks completely.
The ESB configuration was just one service with one listener and gateway. Both gateway
and listener are using JMS. The testing was executed twice using one and then four threads
per listener and gateway.
The service contains two actions that serves only for message counting.
If you try to send 10000 messages sized around 20 KB it will probaly block after few
minutes of processing. The ESB do not respond to TERM signal and even JMX console is not
available. The only solution is to kill process violently. With the smaller messages the
block does not happend or happends after bigger amount of messages.
The sender is generating following log messages
detected failure on control connection Thread[control:
Socket[addr=/,port=2660,localport=51957],5,main]: requesting new control
We can not exclude problem in JBoss Messaging itself but when we tried to use plain JMS
without ESB we were able to send/receive 300000 messages without any problem.
Moreover the more messages were processed the longer time it takes for the next batch to
be processed.
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