http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBESB-658?page=comments#action_12370654 ]
Daniel Bevenius commented on JBESB-658:
Mark, we discussed this ealier about the URI for RelatesTo and I want to make sure I get
this right.
This is how I'm creating the URI for the correlationID :
URI correlationURI = new URI( JMSEpr.JMS_PROTOCOL, "correlationID" ,
from.getJMSCorrelationID() );
which produces an uri like this:
JMSCorrelationID is set as a fragment on the URI and can be retrieved like this:
This correlation id is not used in the ESB code base as the default behaviour is to set
outgoing JMSCorrelationID's to the ESB MessageID. But users can override this and
could then set the outgoing correlation id to the original correlation id.
And this is how the JMSMessageID is being set on the Call object instance:
to.getHeader().getCall().setMessageID( new URI( from.getJMSMessageID() ));
Does this look right to you?
Also I'm setting the JMSExpiration as a property on the ESB Message.
JMS correlation ID should not be in the message body
Key: JBESB-658
Project: JBoss ESB
Issue Type: Task
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: Transports
Affects Versions: 4.2 Milestone Release 2
Reporter: Mark Little
Assigned To: Daniel Bevenius
Why is it not in the context or header element?
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