Yesterday evening we finally made the commit of Exadel Plugins to JBoss
Tools SVN and during the night the nightly builds were generated and I
encourage you to try them out and give us feedback.
This was a big team effort and I thanks everyone involved from San
Francisco, Concord, Dallas, New York, London, Antwerpen, Neuchatel,
Minsk, Moscow to Brisbane (and surely others which city I forgot) for
stepping up when needed.
Special thanks goes to:
Denis Golovin & Alexey Kazakov and their development team for doing the
hard work with preparing the source code for opensourcing
Marshall Cullpepper for all the work done, especially integrating the
JBoss IDE and Exadel Studio builds
Alexy Morlender and his QA team for filling up JIRA and keeping us busy
Bryan Che, Igor Shabalov and Theresa Kelsey for pushing JIRA and Red Hat
Helpdesk to it's limits
Mark Webbink & Sacha Labourey for all the talks about open source licenses
and finally Greg Katzman for introducing me to "Russian Sauna"
Remember that this is just the first step of many, follow and/or join us