Author: mmcallis
Date: 2008-02-18 03:25:42 -0500 (Mon, 18 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 10012
Log: Building your Apache MyFaces JSF Porlet
revising and adding content to make this section
consistent with Building your JSP Portlet
Modified: docs/branches/JBoss_Portal_Branch_2_6/referenceGuide/en/modules/tutorials.xml
docs/branches/JBoss_Portal_Branch_2_6/referenceGuide/en/modules/tutorials.xml 2008-02-18
06:04:52 UTC (rev 10011)
docs/branches/JBoss_Portal_Branch_2_6/referenceGuide/en/modules/tutorials.xml 2008-02-18
08:25:42 UTC (rev 10012)
@@ -1431,9 +1431,9 @@
- <title>Adding Functionality to a Apache MyFaces JSF Porlet</title>
+ <title>Adding Functionality to an Apache MyFaces JSF Porlet</title>
- To add functionality to a Apache MyFaces JSF Porlet, sub-class it and create your own
+ To add functionality to an Apache MyFaces JSF Porlet, sub-class it and create your own
@@ -1482,11 +1482,68 @@
<title>Building your Apache MyFaces JSF Porlet</title>
- <para>If you have downloaded the sample, you can execute the build.xml
with ant or inside your IDE.
- Executing <literal>ant</literal> will compile all source files
and produce a
- <literal>helloworldjsfportlet.war</literal> file in a way
similar to what we saw in
- <xref linkend="first_portlet_build"/>.
- </para>
+ <para>
+ The <filename></filename> file
contains a pre-compiled <filename>helloworldjsfmyfacesportlet.war</filename>
file; however, to manually build the
<filename>helloworldjsfmyfacesportlet.war</filename> file:
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <orderedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Change into the <filename>HelloWorldJSFMyFaces42Portlet/</filename>
directory, and remove the existing
<filename>helloworldjsfmyfacesportlet.war</filename> file.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ If required, edit the
file, and the application descriptors in the
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Change into <filename>HelloWorldJSFMyFaces42Portlet/</filename>
directory, and run the <command>ant deploy</command> command. On Linux, the
output will be similar to the following:
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata align="center"
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </orderedlist>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Note: the directory names will be different for your system.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Expanding the <filename>helloworldjsfmyfacesportlet.war</filename> file
allows you to deploy the portlet as an expanded directory, which makes development easier.
As well, it gives you access to the application descriptors, resource files, JSF, and JSP
pages. To expand the <filename>helloworldjsfmyfacesportlet.war</filename>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <orderedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ If you do not have the
file, change into the <filename>HelloWorldJSFMyFaces42Portlet/</filename>
directory, and run the <command>ant deploy</command> command. This creates the
<filename>helloworldjsfmyfacesportlet.war</filename> file.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ To expand the WAR file, change into the
<filename>HelloWorldJSFMyFaces42Portlet/</filename> directory, and run the
<command>ant explode</command> command. On Linux, the output will be similar
to the following:
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata align="center"
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </orderedlist>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Note: the directory names will be different for your system.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The expanded WAR file and the application descriptors are located in the
+ </para>
<title>Deploying your Apache MyFaces JSF Portlet</title>
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