Author: mmcallis
Date: 2008-02-06 01:11:36 -0500 (Wed, 06 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 9795
revising 3.4. Setting up the Email Service
docs/branches/JBoss_Portal_Branch_2_6/referenceGuide/en/modules/configuration.xml 2008-02-06
03:23:05 UTC (rev 9794)
docs/branches/JBoss_Portal_Branch_2_6/referenceGuide/en/modules/configuration.xml 2008-02-06
06:11:36 UTC (rev 9795)
@@ -193,52 +193,62 @@
<sect1 id="emailConfiguration">
- <title>Setting up the email service</title>
- <para>To be able to use the email service (for example to verify user emails
when someone subscribes or for CMS
- workflow notifications) it has to be configured correctly. To configure it, go to
- In this file, the mail module is configured like this:
- <programlisting><![CDATA[<mbean
- code="org.jboss.portal.core.impl.mail.MailModuleImpl"
- name="portal:service=Module,type=Mail"
- xmbean-dd=""
- xmbean-code="">
- <xmbean/>
- <depends>jboss:service=Mail</depends>
- <attribute name="QueueCapacity">-1</attribute>
- <attribute name="Gateway">localhost</attribute>
- <attribute name="SmtpUser"></attribute>
- <attribute name="SmtpPassword"></attribute>
- <attribute name="JavaMailDebugEnabled">false</attribute>
- <attribute name="SMTPConnectionTimeout">100000</attribute>
- <attribute name="SMTPTimeout">10000</attribute>
- <attribute
- Here you can specify a different SMTP server than localhost, then precise the
SMTP username and SMTP password to
- use to send emails.</para>
- <para>For example, to use GMail's SMTP server:
- <programlisting><![CDATA[<mbean
- code="org.jboss.portal.core.impl.mail.MailModuleImpl"
- name="portal:service=Module,type=Mail"
- xmbean-dd=""
- xmbean-code="">
- <xmbean/>
- <depends>jboss:service=Mail</depends>
- <attribute name="QueueCapacity">-1</attribute>
- <attribute name="Gateway"></attribute>
- <attribute name="SmtpUser">username(a)</attribute>
- <attribute name="SmtpPassword">myPassword</attribute>
- <attribute name="JavaMailDebugEnabled">false</attribute>
- <attribute name="SMTPConnectionTimeout">100000</attribute>
- <attribute name="SMTPTimeout">10000</attribute>
- <attribute
+ <title>Setting up the Email Service</title>
+ <para>
+ If you have a standard setup and a mail server installed, the email service should
work without any extra configuration. Most Linux distributions have a mail server
installed by default. The email service, for example, can be used to verify a user's
email address when a user subscribes, or for CMS workflow notifications.
- <note><para>If you have a 'standard' setup and a mail server
- (That's the case on most Linux distribution out of the box), it will work out
of the box.</para></note>
- </sect1>
+ <para>
+ The email service is configured using the
file. The following is an example of the section which is used to configure the email
+ </para>
+ <para>
+<attribute name="QueueCapacity">-1</attribute>
+<attribute name="Gateway">localhost</attribute>
+<attribute name="SmtpUser"></attribute>
+<attribute name="SmtpPassword"></attribute>
+<attribute name="JavaMailDebugEnabled">false</attribute>
+<attribute name="SMTPConnectionTimeout">100000</attribute>
+<attribute name="SMTPTimeout">10000</attribute>
+<attribute name="JNDIName">java:portal/MailModule</attribute>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ A different SMTP server (other than localhost) can be configured, along with a SMTP
username and an SMTP password. The following is an example configuration that uses the
Gmail SMTP server:
+ </para>
+ <para>
+<attribute name="QueueCapacity">-1</attribute>
+<attribute name="Gateway"></attribute>
+<attribute name="SmtpUser">username(a)</attribute>
+<attribute name="SmtpPassword">myPassword</attribute>
+<attribute name="JavaMailDebugEnabled">false</attribute>
+<attribute name="SMTPConnectionTimeout">100000</attribute>
+<attribute name="SMTPTimeout">10000</attribute>
+<attribute name="JNDIName">java:portal/MailModule</attribute>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Using this example, replace
<computeroutput>username(a)</computeroutput> and
<computeroutput>myPassword</computeroutput> with your correct Gmail username
and password.
+ </para>
<title>Setting up proxy settings</title>
<para>There are a couple of scenarios where you will need your proxy to be
correctly defined at the JVM
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