PicketLink3 and JDK7
by Anil Saldhana
Hi All,
now that the JBoss AS development is mandating JDK7, should we move
to JDK7 in PL3?
I know we support JavaEE6.
12 years
AS8 Security Design Discussions
by Anil Saldhana
Hi All,
the AS community work has moved on to AS8 which will primarily target
Java EE7. This also means that we can actually take a look at changing
the Security subsystem in the AS and incorporate changes that will help
usability and deprecate functionality that are seldom used/low priority.
Stefan, Darran and I have been discussing a few approaches in the last
few weeks. Some of the major changes that may affect the design is the
deprecation of JAAS as primary authentication approach and bring in more
of PicketLink IDM to the forefront.
We can use this mailing list for discussions on AS8 security or we can
use the AS7 dev list or do it in the forums.
12 years
PicketLink AS Subsystem
by Bolesław Dawidowicz
We are doing some prototyping with PicketBox and PicketLink 3. As part
of this it makes sense for use to put it in separate subystem in AS7.
There is existing PicketLink 2.x one here:
From what I learned from Anil while it is on the roadmap PicketLink 3.x
subsystem won't happens soon. I would like to discus requirements for it
as we may be able to contribute something - at least some initial work.
I would also like to discuss how independent PicketLink service should
be exposed and consumed in applications. Most natural way would be to
provide both CDI integration and REST interface. Any thoughts on that?
As part of our prototyping we would like to avoid investing time into
something that would duplicate existing functionality or go against
already agreed design.
12 years
PicketLink timed release
by Bruno Oliveira
Good morning my friends.
Any chance to have a timed release today? Shane did some important changes today, would be nice to have it released.
Thanks in advance.
"The measure of a man is what he does with power" - Plato
Volenti Nihil Difficile
12 years
PicketLink3 and Apache Deltaspike Dependencies
by Anil Saldhana
Hi all,
PicketLink3 is on the final stretch of release cycles. One of the
concerns I have had is the Apache Deltaspike dependency which is some
type of incubating snapshot. Since there are very few Deltaspike classes
(3-5 in number) that we depend on, the following strategy should work:
- Copy the source files (Retaining Apache Headers) as it is from Apache
Deltaspike to a PicketLink namespace such as : org.picketlink.deltaspike.*
- Remove the Apache Deltaspike dependency.
In few months, when Apache Deltaspike has proper releases, we can remove
the PicketLink Deltaspike forked classes and bring back the Apache
Deltaspike dependency back. I do not think PicketLink users will
directly code to DS classes.
I ran this with Pete Muir, Shane and Jason Porter and they all agreed
that this is a good strategy (I did refine the strategy based on Shane's
12 years