I thought it best to move the discussion on undertow to here.
Anil opened a JIRA to investigate:
My concerns are:
- Initialization Time (JPA has always been expensive in this area)
- Dependency chain problems (if this forces the app server (which at some point might not
be limited to Java EE) to have a big chunk of EE just to support database auth)
- Potential increase of memory usage? (in particular if we end up with hibernate using
infinispan as a cache which is then double cached at the auth level)
I guess the main reason for the switch from JDBC is to avoid supporting various DB
dialects. However, the following is also true:
- ANSI SQL-92 is supported by almost everyone, and it allows for portable DML
- IDMs have very simple relational layouts and queries
- It's easy to abstract queries to allow customization by a user
Jason T. Greene
WildFly Lead / JBoss EAP Platform Architect
JBoss, a division of Red Hat