[Apiman-user] Updated a bunch of Apiman UI dependencies on master -- testers appreciated!

Marc Savy marc.savy at redhat.com
Fri Apr 13 13:21:46 EDT 2018

Hi All,

After battling with the JS ecosystem's dep nightmare for much of
today, I've managed to get update several UI dependencies on master --
things *seem* to be working as anticipated (after juggling a few
incompatibilities around).

This was necessary because some deps are quite significantly outdated
and we need to move to more modern ones to ensure maintainability,
security, etc.

However, there's still a high risk of breakage, so if anyone can try
things out it would be greatly appreciated.

Quick Instructions:

1. Check out the main apiman repo.
2. Run Apiman in your usual way.
3. cd to manager/ui/war
4. yarn install
    4.5  you may need to modify apiman/config.js for your setup
5. ./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js
6. Navigate to http://localhost:2772


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