[cdi-dev] bug triage

Mark Struberg struberg at yahoo.de
Wed Aug 1 13:10:17 EDT 2012

There should be 3 phases in each bug triage:


We should take a few bugs where we have already a common understanding of 
the problem and also a common agreement of the direction in which we 
like to solve it, so we can just work out the wording and pitfalls together. 

We should also try to take a set of 'fresh' issues and find that common understanding and solution

(the hardest part) to look at one or two those issues where we do not have a common idea yet. We shall try to layout the pros and cons of each solution and maybe find a better solution that way.

What currently sucks is that we have quite a few pretty clear issues in the tracker and still our last update was 7 months ago...


----- Original Message -----
> From: Martin Kouba <mkouba at redhat.com>
> To: cdi-dev at lists.jboss.org
> Cc: 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2012 1:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [cdi-dev] bug triage
> Hi!
> FYI right now we have 61 open/reopened bugs and clarifications with priority 
> Major or Critical, and also 76 open/reopened feature requests with priority 
> Major or Critical. Even if we omit feature requests and expect that half of the 
> issues might be closed (e.g. are outdated or no one knows what they are about), 
> there is still about 30 major issues to resolve.
> I suppose we should go through those 61 issues first, do a proper cleanup and 
> define a set of issues to be discussed/resolved asap.
> JIRA query link:
> https://issues.jboss.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=project+%3D+%22CDI+Specification+Issues%22+and+%28status+%3D+Open+or+status+%3D+Reopened%29++and+%28type+%3D+Bug+or+type+%3D+Clarification%29+and+%28priority+%3D+Major+or+priority+%3D+Critical%29+order+by+created+asc
> Martin
> Dne 18.7.2012 18:16, Mark Struberg napsal(a):
>>  Hi!
>>  I propose that we hole a monthly bug triage meeting for CDI. We are not 
> having enough progress atm, and despite having a few pull requests open, there 
> is no orchestrated effort to get those applied.
>>  Pete and I talked about having a hangout meeting where we try to close a 
> few of those bugs.
>>  When do we like to start?
>>  LieGrue,
>>  strub
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