[cdi-dev] preparing the face to face meeting

Antoine Sabot-Durand antoine at sabot-durand.net
Mon Aug 24 05:08:48 EDT 2015

Thanks Antonio,
No doc shared yet. I'm on it. Should be available today or tomorrow


Le lun. 24 août 2015 à 11:07, Antonio Goncalves <antonio.goncalves at gmail.com>
a écrit :

> +1
> As I live in Paris, no need to have logistic for me ;o)
> Antoine, have you shared a Google Doc on the F2F so we can contribute in
> preparing the agenda (I couldn't find anything) ?
> Antonio
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 10:52 AM, Antoine Sabot-Durand <
> antoine at sabot-durand.net> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> Back from PTO, I'm starting the preparation of our F2F meeting in on
>> month.
>> For those who missed the information, this meeting will take place in Red
>> Hat office near Paris (Puteaux) the 25th and 26th of September.
>> Regarding the content, I propose that we prioritize tasks to deal with to
>> build our agenda.
>> The objective is to finish this session with at least advanced draft of
>> new or revised spec parts and a clear roadmap for 2.0 release and perhaps
>> beyond. I'll send another mail in the coming days on the subject.
>> But right now, I need to know which of you will attend this meeting for
>> room reservation and other logistic points.
>> So please, send me an email to confirm your presence at this F2F meeting
>> ASAP.
>> Thanks,
>> Antoine
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> --
> Antonio Goncalves
> Software architect, Java Champion and Pluralsight author
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