[cdi-dev] Exploring the interest of mutating bean manager at runtime

Antoine Sabot-Durand antoine at sabot-durand.net
Thu Aug 27 11:56:55 EDT 2015

Hi all,

This topic (modifying bean meta data at runtime) has been coming and going
since CDI 1.0.
As we are moving to Java SE with potentially more dynamic env, I think
interesting to see if there is a real need to explore it.
It's a very disruptive feature and obviously costly to add to the spec, so
I think we should start gathering proof that it would bring more power and
new usage to CDI before discussing all the problems it could raise.

I propose to g that way:

1) Launch a public consultation to ask our user if they are interested and
more than all give use real use case where it would solve a problem

2) Analyse these use cases to see if they are real or as some people think
are only a lack of knowledge of the spec

3) From there we could either left this aside if nothing relevant comes out
or start discussing the constraint around this feature.


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