[gatein-dev] GateIn Public API Preview and call for feedback

Nick Scavelli nscavell at redhat.com
Tue Jul 24 11:39:53 EDT 2012

On 07/19/2012 12:13 AM, Nguyen Anh Kien wrote:
> The Navigation and Node API:
> To get a node, I must use: *navigation.getNode("foo", "bar", "foobar")*
> IMO, we should support get node by URI string param like 
> *navigation.getNode("foo/bar/foobar")*. Because we often has an URI of 
> node by node.getURI();.

The node.getURI() method is slightly different now and is used to 
construct the URL to the navigation node (relative). So it would render 
the site name as well as the "node uri". However I don't like the method 
name, nor am I sure it's exactly what we want.

However I do think it's good to remove any internal separators even tho 
it's very common for tree based structures to use the '/' character. You 
have the String[] value of the node by doing node.getId().getPath(). I 
might add getPath on the node object itself so it's more clear. I would 
like to remove the dependency of the "/foo/bar" notation but I'll think 
about it and if it's that important we can support it.

> Also, *removeNode* and *addNode* methods should be the same behaviour.

How do you mean ? Same return signature ? I'm not sure what the 
implications are if I return the node that was removed since the 
underlying impl is connected.

> For a Node, We often has cloneable tasks for node, so it should 
> support clone() method in Node api
> regards,
> =============
> Kien Nguyen
> M&E: (+84) 933.975.960 - kienna at exoplatform.com 
> <mailto:kien.nguyen at exoplatform.com>
> Skype & yahoo: nakien2a
> Portal Team - eXo Platform South East Asia (http://www.exoplatform.com 
> <http://www.exoplatform.com/>)

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