[gatein-dev] Bug after merging the gatein mobile supporting stuff

Phuong Viet VU phuongvv at exoplatform.com
Tue Jul 24 22:06:23 EDT 2012

Hi *Matt Wringe, *thanks for the your PR, now I can do further test on my
branch that base on gatein master
About the artifactID, I also saw that they have difference groupID, but I
still think we should have difference artifactID for 2 difference sub
projects of GateIn
As I know, ppl have discussed about this and we'll use the same groupID for
projects in GateIn.
An artifactId should tell some thing about the meaning of a project, for
example, we can have redirectPortlet and redirectService (just a thought)

And btw, the redirect.jsp doesn't pass the w3c, <ul> tag can't contain <a>
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