[gatein-dev] RichFaces Ajax calls no longer working

Ken Finnigan kfinniga at redhat.com
Wed Jul 25 16:43:06 EDT 2012

Has anyone else found that GateIn 3.3 and current master break Ajax menu calls in RichFaces?

If I deploy the RichFaces demo from Portlet Bridge, to either AS5 or AS7, with GateIn 3.3 or master the ajax call does nothing.  If I refresh the page the correct content appears, so it looks like the serveResource() call is happening ok, but the JS is not updating the UI.

This covers what I've found so far, https://issues.jboss.org/browse/GTNPORTAL-2479, but I'm not a JS expert so don't really know what the problem could be.

Ringing any bells with anyone?


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