[gsoc] Improved plan on Ticket Monster project for GSoC 2012

Anil Saldhana Anil.Saldhana at redhat.com
Fri Apr 20 10:22:33 EDT 2012

Hi Khobaib,
   I can understand your anxiety while we are currently in the gsoc 
quiet period.  We are trying our best to choose the best student proposals.


On 04/20/2012 06:21 AM, Khobaib Chowdhury wrote:
> Hi,
> I have submitted my proposal on Online Ticket Reservation System 
> already. For last few days, I have tried hard to improve my proposal. 
> I have prepared my plans in more detail & as I can't edit the proposal 
> now, I am leaving comment in my proposal page and also sending a mail 
> to the group.
> I know its the eleventh hour to improve my proposal but I am a fresher 
> in JBoss org as well as Open Source Platform. For last few days, my 
> only goal was to configure my eclipse with JBoss tools, specially 
> JBoss As and m2e plugins and then understand the code flow. When I 
> stuck in an issue for hours, I felt frustrated but every time I have 
> overcome & proceed further, this surely shows how enthusiast I am to 
> contribute in Open Source. My eclipse is now fully ready to go.
> _*Bugs in WIP Ticket Monster*_
> While understanding the use cases that implemented already, I have 
> found some bugs. I must fix them before I start implementing new 
> features. Here are the bugs I have found ->
> 1. If we browse by events, then when we want to browse by venues, we 
> can't add tickets after selecting section & vice versa.
> 2. If we select "Book tickets" from Events page & then select a venue 
> from the next page or "Find shows" from venues page & then select an 
> event, then in "When?" display box, sometimes the time & date field is 
> blank & no menu can be selected. It's an inconsistency.
> 3.The Checkout button doesn't work.
> 4. The Back button sometimes doesn't work as usual. As an example, 
> when we browse through events & then select Venues -> Find shows -> 
> select event, time & date -> order tickets then from select tickets 
> menu, if back button is pressed, it doesn't work.
> _*Preliminary Use cases for my proposal*_
> *Please check the attachment for my proposed use cases.* It is not a 
> permanent one, It may change from time to time after the project starts.
> _*Additional proposal (Improvement of my proposal)*_
> I haven't stated these two feature in my previous proposal, but now I 
> wish to implement it.
> 1. An event calendar that shows all upcoming event on the home Page 
> should be welcomed. Web users will watch the calendar, view event 
> details by clicking on the desired date/event.
> 2. I prefer a graphical seat allocation chart from where user can 
> select their seat while booking. The available & unavailable seats 
> should be distinguished by two different color.
> Hope this will help you to understand my proposal in some extent. Any 
> comment/ suggestion would be appreciated.
> Regards -
> Khobaib Chowdhury
> Masters Student*, *CSE, BUET.
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