[gsoc] Improved plan on Ticket Monster project for GSoC 2012

Khobaib Chowdhury khobaib at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 07:21:25 EDT 2012

I have submitted my proposal on Online Ticket Reservation System already.
For last few days, I have tried hard to improve my proposal. I have
prepared my plans in more detail & as I can't edit the proposal now, I am
leaving comment in my proposal page and also sending a mail to the group.

I know its the eleventh hour to improve my proposal but I am a fresher in
JBoss org as well as Open Source Platform. For last few days, my only goal
was to configure my eclipse with JBoss tools, specially JBoss As and m2e
plugins and then understand the code flow. When I stuck in an issue for
hours, I felt frustrated but every time I have overcome & proceed further,
this surely shows how enthusiast I am to contribute in Open Source. My
eclipse is now fully ready to go.

*Bugs in WIP Ticket Monster*
While understanding the use cases that implemented already, I have found
some bugs. I must fix them before I start implementing new features. Here
are the bugs I have found ->

1. If we browse by events, then when we want to browse by venues, we can't
add tickets after selecting section & vice versa.

2. If we select "Book tickets" from Events page & then select a venue from
the next page or "Find shows" from venues page & then select an event, then
in "When?" display box, sometimes the time & date field is blank & no menu
can be selected. It's an inconsistency.

3.The Checkout button doesn't work.

4. The Back button sometimes doesn't work as usual. As an example, when we
browse through events & then select Venues -> Find shows -> select event,
time & date -> order tickets then from select tickets menu, if back button
is pressed, it doesn't work.

*Preliminary Use cases for my proposal*
*Please check the attachment for my proposed use cases.* It is not a
permanent one, It may change from time to time after the project starts.

*Additional proposal (Improvement of my proposal)*
I haven't stated these two feature in my previous proposal, but now I wish
to implement it.

1. An event calendar that shows all upcoming event on the home Page should
be welcomed. Web users will watch the calendar, view event details by
clicking on the desired date/event.

2. I prefer a graphical seat allocation chart from where user can select
their seat while booking. The available & unavailable seats should be
distinguished by two different color.

Hope this will help you to understand my proposal in some extent. Any
comment/ suggestion would be appreciated.

Regards -

Khobaib Chowdhury
Masters Student*, *CSE, BUET.
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