[gsoc] GSOC students with rejected proposals

Anil Saldhana Anil.Saldhana at redhat.com
Wed Apr 25 15:51:40 EDT 2012

Hello students,
   it is very unfortunate that we had a finite number of official gsoc 
slots (8 this year) with unlimited number of student proposals. So for 
all the students who could not officially be part of the gsoc 12 
program, you have unlimited opportunities to engage in open source with 
the JBoss community.

In my previous emails, I did stress that we view student participation 
in JBoss community as a long beneficial partnership. At the end of the 
day, open source wins.

Since almost all of you have expressed a desire to continue your 
participation with JBoss Community, I have created the following 
discussion thread on JBoss Community (please use your jboss.org login)


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