[gsoc] GSOC students with rejected proposals

minal bhadleminal at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 20:23:25 EDT 2012

Hi Anil,

My proposal for Gsoc 2012 was on "Simple certificate management system".
It is a great project to work on but I would like to contribute to "Drools
Planner: Genetic algorithms solver phase". Is it possible to work on this
project which is different from my Gsoc 2012 project ? Do I need to submit
another proposal for this project?



On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 3:51 PM, Anil Saldhana <Anil.Saldhana at redhat.com>wrote:

> Hello students,
>   it is very unfortunate that we had a finite number of official gsoc
> slots (8 this year) with unlimited number of student proposals. So for
> all the students who could not officially be part of the gsoc 12
> program, you have unlimited opportunities to engage in open source with
> the JBoss community.
> In my previous emails, I did stress that we view student participation
> in JBoss community as a long beneficial partnership. At the end of the
> day, open source wins.
> Since almost all of you have expressed a desire to continue your
> participation with JBoss Community, I have created the following
> discussion thread on JBoss Community (please use your jboss.org login)
> https://community.jboss.org/thread/198897
> Regards,
> Anil
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