[hal-release-stream] Using SNAPHOT Versions of Extensions in HAL

Rob Cernich rcernich at redhat.com
Mon Oct 21 12:13:07 EDT 2013

Hey HAL,

I was wondering if there is a process for producing a HAL build which includes a SNAPSHOT version of a particular extension.  For example, how would I incorporate an interim version of the SwitchYard extension into HAL?

For SwitchYard, I could create a Maven module in our release project that builds HAL, but specifies the snapshot version of the SwitchYard extension.  In that case, I'm not sure what version I should specify for HAL.

That leads to my next question: What happens when SY is released?  The way I understand things is that I would need to release the SY extension, wait for a new release of HAL, then release the SY distribution, which would incorporate the new HAL release (as opposed to the internally build SNAPSHOT module).  Does that sound about right?

Thanks in advance,

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