[hibernate-commits] Hibernate SVN: r16322 - core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr.

hibernate-commits at lists.jboss.org hibernate-commits at lists.jboss.org
Tue Apr 14 12:41:30 EDT 2009

Author: steve.ebersole at jboss.com
Date: 2009-04-14 12:41:30 -0400 (Tue, 14 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 16322

creating antlr3 branch

Deleted: core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr/sql-gen.g
--- core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr/sql-gen.g	2009-04-14 16:41:16 UTC (rev 16321)
+++ core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr/sql-gen.g	2009-04-14 16:41:30 UTC (rev 16322)
@@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
-//   $Id: sql-gen.g 10001 2006-06-08 21:08:04Z steve.ebersole at jboss.com $
-package org.hibernate.hql.antlr;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
- * SQL Generator Tree Parser, providing SQL rendering of SQL ASTs produced by the previous phase, HqlSqlWalker.  All
- * syntax decoration such as extra spaces, lack of spaces, extra parens, etc. should be added by this class.
- * <br>
- * This grammar processes the HQL/SQL AST and produces an SQL string.  The intent is to move dialect-specific
- * code into a sub-class that will override some of the methods, just like the other two grammars in this system.
- * @author Joshua Davis (joshua at hibernate.org)
- */
-class SqlGeneratorBase extends TreeParser;
-options {
-	// Note: importVocab and exportVocab cause ANTLR to share the token type numbers between the
-	// two grammars.  This means that the token type constants from the source tree are the same
-	// as those in the target tree.  If this is not the case, tree translation can result in
-	// token types from the *source* tree being present in the target tree.
-	importVocab=HqlSql;         // import definitions from "HqlSql"
-	exportVocab=Sql;            // Call the resulting definitions "Sql"
-	buildAST=false;             // Don't build an AST.
-	private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SqlGeneratorBase.class);
-   /** the buffer resulting SQL statement is written to */
-	private StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
-	protected void out(String s) {
-		buf.append(s);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the last character written to the output, or -1 if there isn't one.
-	 */
-	protected int getLastChar() {
-		int len = buf.length();
-		if ( len == 0 )
-			return -1;
-		else
-			return buf.charAt( len - 1 );
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Add a aspace if the previous token was not a space or a parenthesis.
-	 */
-	protected void optionalSpace() {
-		// Implemented in the sub-class.
-	}
-	protected void out(AST n) {
-		out(n.getText());
-	}
-	protected void separator(AST n, String sep) {
-		if (n.getNextSibling() != null)
-			out(sep);
-	}
-	protected boolean hasText(AST a) {
-		String t = a.getText();
-		return t != null && t.length() > 0;
-	}
-	protected void fromFragmentSeparator(AST a) {
-		// moved this impl into the subclass...
-	}
-	protected void nestedFromFragment(AST d,AST parent) {
-		// moved this impl into the subclass...
-	}
-	protected StringBuffer getStringBuffer() {
-		return buf;
-	}
-	protected void nyi(AST n) {
-		throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported node: " + n);
-	}
-	protected void beginFunctionTemplate(AST m,AST i) {
-		// if template is null we just write the function out as it appears in the hql statement
-		out(i);
-		out("(");
-	}
-	protected void endFunctionTemplate(AST m) {
-	      out(")");
-	}
-	protected void commaBetweenParameters(String comma) {
-		out(comma);
-	}
-	: selectStatement
-	| updateStatement
-	| deleteStatement
-	| insertStatement
-	;
-	: #(SELECT { out("select "); }
-		selectClause
-		from
-		( #(WHERE { out(" where "); } whereExpr ) )?
-		( #(GROUP { out(" group by "); } groupExprs ( #(HAVING { out(" having "); } booleanExpr[false]) )? ) )?
-		( #(ORDER { out(" order by "); } orderExprs ) )?
-	)
-	;
-// Note: eats the FROM token node, as it is not valid in an update statement.
-// It's outlived its usefulness after analysis phase :)
-// TODO : needed to use conditionList directly here and deleteStatement, as whereExprs no longer works for this stuff
-	: #(UPDATE { out("update "); }
-		#( FROM fromTable )
-		setClause
-		(whereClause)?
-	)
-	;
-	// Note: not space needed at end of "delete" because the from rule included one before the "from" it outputs
-	: #(DELETE { out("delete"); }
-		from
-		(whereClause)?
-	)
-	;
-	: #(INSERT { out( "insert " ); }
-		i:INTO { out( i ); out( " " ); }
-		selectStatement
-	)
-	;
-	// Simply re-use comparisionExpr, because it already correctly defines the EQ rule the
-	// way it is needed here; not the most aptly named, but ah
-	: #( SET { out(" set "); } comparisonExpr[false] ( { out(", "); } comparisonExpr[false] )* )
-	;
-	: #(WHERE { out(" where "); } whereClauseExpr )
-	;
-	: (SQL_TOKEN) => conditionList
-	| booleanExpr[ false ]
-	;
-	// TODO: remove goofy space before the comma when we don't have to regression test anymore.
-	: ( expr ) (dir:orderDirection { out(" "); out(dir); })? ( {out(", "); } orderExprs)?
-	;
-	// TODO: remove goofy space before the comma when we don't have to regression test anymore.
-	: expr ( {out(" , "); } groupExprs)?
-	;
-	;
-	// Expect the filter subtree, followed by the theta join subtree, followed by the HQL condition subtree.
-	// Might need parens around the HQL condition if there is more than one subtree.
-	// Put 'and' between each subtree.
-	: filters
-		( { out(" and "); } thetaJoins )?
-		( { out(" and "); } booleanExpr [ true ] )?
-	| thetaJoins
-		( { out(" and "); } booleanExpr [ true ] )? 
-	| booleanExpr[false]
-	;
-	: #(FILTERS conditionList )
-	;
-	: #(THETA_JOINS conditionList )
-	;
-	: sqlToken ( { out(" and "); } conditionList )?
-	;
-	: #(SELECT_CLAUSE (distinctOrAll)? ( selectColumn )+ )
-	;
-	: p:selectExpr (sc:SELECT_COLUMNS { out(sc); } )? { separator( (sc != null) ? sc : p,", "); }
-	;
-	: e:selectAtom { out(e); }
-	| count
-	| #(CONSTRUCTOR (DOT | IDENT) ( selectColumn )+ )
-	| methodCall
-	| aggregate
-	| c:constant { out(c); }
-	| arithmeticExpr
-	| param:PARAM { out(param); }
-	| sn:SQL_NODE { out(sn); }
-	| { out("("); } selectStatement { out(")"); }
-	;
-	: #(COUNT { out("count("); }  ( distinctOrAll ) ? countExpr { out(")"); } )
-	;
-	: DISTINCT { out("distinct "); }
-	| ALL { out("all "); }
-	;
-	// Syntacitic predicate resolves star all by itself, avoiding a conflict with STAR in expr.
-	: ROW_STAR { out("*"); }
-	| simpleExpr
-	;
-	: DOT
-	;
-// The from-clause piece is all goofed up.  Currently, nodes of type FROM_FRAGMENT
-// and JOIN_FRAGMENT can occur at any level in the FromClause sub-tree. We really
-// should come back and clean this up at some point; which I think will require
-// a post-HqlSqlWalker phase to "re-align" the FromElements in a more sensible
-// manner.
-	: #(f:FROM { out(" from "); }
-		(fromTable)* )
-	;
-	// Write the table node (from fragment) and all the join fragments associated with it.
-	: #( a:FROM_FRAGMENT  { out(a); } (tableJoin [ a ])* { fromFragmentSeparator(a); } )
-	| #( b:JOIN_FRAGMENT  { out(b); } (tableJoin [ b ])* { fromFragmentSeparator(b); } )
-	;
-tableJoin [ AST parent ]
-	: #( c:JOIN_FRAGMENT { out(" "); out(c); } (tableJoin [ c ] )* )
-	| #( d:FROM_FRAGMENT { nestedFromFragment(d,parent); } (tableJoin [ d ] )* )
-	;
-booleanOp[ boolean parens ]
-	: #(AND booleanExpr[true] { out(" and "); } booleanExpr[true])
-	| #(OR { if (parens) out("("); } booleanExpr[false] { out(" or "); } booleanExpr[false] { if (parens) out(")"); })
-	| #(NOT { out(" not ("); } booleanExpr[false] { out(")"); } )
-	;
-booleanExpr[ boolean parens ]
-	: booleanOp [ parens ]
-	| comparisonExpr [ parens ]
-	| st:SQL_TOKEN { out(st); } // solely for the purpose of mapping-defined where-fragments
-	;
-comparisonExpr[ boolean parens ]
-	: binaryComparisonExpression
-	| { if (parens) out("("); } exoticComparisonExpression { if (parens) out(")"); }
-	;
-	: #(EQ expr { out("="); } expr)
-	| #(NE expr { out("<>"); } expr)
-	| #(GT expr { out(">"); } expr)
-	| #(GE expr { out(">="); } expr)
-	| #(LT expr { out("<"); } expr)
-	| #(LE expr { out("<="); } expr)
-	;
-	: #(LIKE expr { out(" like "); } expr likeEscape )
-	| #(NOT_LIKE expr { out(" not like "); } expr likeEscape)
-	| #(BETWEEN expr { out(" between "); } expr { out(" and "); } expr)
-	| #(NOT_BETWEEN expr { out(" not between "); } expr { out(" and "); } expr)
-	| #(IN expr { out(" in"); } inList )
-	| #(NOT_IN expr { out(" not in "); } inList )
-	| #(EXISTS { optionalSpace(); out("exists "); } quantified )
-	| #(IS_NULL expr) { out(" is null"); }
-	| #(IS_NOT_NULL expr) { out(" is not null"); }
-	;
-	: ( #(ESCAPE { out(" escape "); } expr) )?
-	;
-	: #(IN_LIST { out(" "); } ( parenSelect | simpleExprList ) )
-	;
-	: { out("("); } (e:simpleExpr { separator(e," , "); } )* { out(")"); }
-	;
-// A simple expression, or a sub-select with parens around it.
-	: simpleExpr
-	| #( VECTOR_EXPR { out("("); } (e:expr { separator(e," , "); } )*  { out(")"); } )
-	| parenSelect
-	| #(ANY { out("any "); } quantified )
-	| #(ALL { out("all "); } quantified )
-	| #(SOME { out("some "); } quantified )
-	;
-	: { out("("); } ( sqlToken | selectStatement ) { out(")"); } 
-	;
-	: { out("("); } selectStatement { out(")"); }
-	;
-	: c:constant { out(c); }
-	| NULL { out("null"); }
-	| addrExpr
-	| sqlToken
-	| aggregate
-	| methodCall
-	| count
-	| parameter
-	| arithmeticExpr
-	;
-	| TRUE
-	;
-	: additiveExpr
-	| multiplicativeExpr
-//	| #(CONCAT { out("("); } expr ( { out("||"); } expr )+ { out(")"); } )
-	| #(UNARY_MINUS { out("-"); } expr)
-	| caseExpr
-	;
-	: #(PLUS expr { out("+"); } expr)
-	| #(MINUS expr { out("-"); } nestedExprAfterMinusDiv)
-	;
-	: #(STAR nestedExpr { out("*"); } nestedExpr)
-	| #(DIV nestedExpr { out("/"); } nestedExprAfterMinusDiv)
-	;
-	// Generate parens around nested additive expressions, use a syntactic predicate to avoid conflicts with 'expr'.
-	: (additiveExpr) => { out("("); } additiveExpr { out(")"); }
-	| expr
-	;
-	// Generate parens around nested arithmetic expressions, use a syntactic predicate to avoid conflicts with 'expr'.
-	: (arithmeticExpr) => { out("("); } arithmeticExpr { out(")"); }
-	| expr
-	;
-	: #(CASE { out("case"); } 
-		( #(WHEN { out( " when "); } booleanExpr[false] { out(" then "); } expr) )+ 
-		( #(ELSE { out(" else "); } expr) )?
-		{ out(" end"); } )
-	| #(CASE2 { out("case "); } expr
-		( #(WHEN { out( " when "); } expr { out(" then "); } expr) )+ 
-		( #(ELSE { out(" else "); } expr) )?
-		{ out(" end"); } )
-	;
-	: #(a:AGGREGATE { out(a); out("("); }  expr { out(")"); } )
-	;
-	: #(m:METHOD_CALL i:METHOD_NAME { beginFunctionTemplate(m,i); }
-	 ( #(EXPR_LIST (arguments)? ) )?
-	 { endFunctionTemplate(m); } )
-	;
-	: expr ( { commaBetweenParameters(", "); } expr )*
-	;
-	: n:NAMED_PARAM { out(n); }
-	| p:PARAM { out(p); }
-	;
-	: #(r:DOT . .) { out(r); }
-	| i:ALIAS_REF { out(i); }
-	| j:INDEX_OP { out(j); }
-	;
-	: t:SQL_TOKEN { out(t); }
-	;

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