[hibernate-commits] Hibernate SVN: r16323 - core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr.

hibernate-commits at lists.jboss.org hibernate-commits at lists.jboss.org
Tue Apr 14 12:41:44 EDT 2009

Author: steve.ebersole at jboss.com
Date: 2009-04-14 12:41:44 -0400 (Tue, 14 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 16323

creating antlr3 branch

Deleted: core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr/hql.g
--- core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr/hql.g	2009-04-14 16:41:30 UTC (rev 16322)
+++ core/branches/antlr3/src/main/antlr/hql.g	2009-04-14 16:41:44 UTC (rev 16323)
@@ -1,883 +0,0 @@
-//   $Id: hql.g 10163 2006-07-26 15:07:50Z steve.ebersole at jboss.com $
-package org.hibernate.hql.antlr;
-import org.hibernate.hql.ast.*;
-import org.hibernate.hql.ast.util.*;
- * Hibernate Query Language Grammar
- * <br>
- * This grammar parses the query language for Hibernate (an Open Source, Object-Relational
- * mapping library).  A partial BNF grammar description is available for reference here:
- * http://www.hibernate.org/Documentation/HQLBNF
- *
- * Text from the original reference BNF is prefixed with '//##'.
- * @author Joshua Davis (pgmjsd at sourceforge.net)
- */
-class HqlBaseParser extends Parser;
-	exportVocab=Hql;
-	buildAST=true;
-	k=3;    // For 'not like', 'not in', etc.
-	// -- HQL Keyword tokens --
-	ALL="all";
-	ANY="any";
-	AND="and";
-	AS="as";
-	ASCENDING="asc";
-	AVG="avg";
-	BETWEEN="between";
-	CLASS="class";
-	COUNT="count";
-	DELETE="delete";
-	DESCENDING="desc";
-	DOT;
-	DISTINCT="distinct";
-	ELEMENTS="elements";
-	ESCAPE="escape";
-	EXISTS="exists";
-	FALSE="false";
-	FETCH="fetch";
-	FROM="from";
-	FULL="full";
-	GROUP="group";
-	HAVING="having";
-	IN="in";
-	INDICES="indices";
-	INNER="inner";
-	INSERT="insert";
-	INTO="into";
-	IS="is";
-	JOIN="join";
-	LEFT="left";
-	LIKE="like";
-	MAX="max";
-	MIN="min";
-	NEW="new";
-	NOT="not";
-	NULL="null";
-	OR="or";
-	ORDER="order";
-	OUTER="outer";
-	PROPERTIES="properties";
-	RIGHT="right";
-	SELECT="select";
-	SET="set";
-	SOME="some";
-	SUM="sum";
-	TRUE="true";
-	UNION="union";
-	UPDATE="update";
-	VERSIONED="versioned";
-	WHERE="where";
-	// -- SQL tokens --
-	// These aren't part of HQL, but the SQL fragment parser uses the HQL lexer, so they need to be declared here.
-	CASE="case";
-	END="end";
-	ELSE="else";
-	THEN="then";
-	WHEN="when";
-	ON="on";
-	WITH="with";
-	// -- EJBQL tokens --
-	BOTH="both";
-	EMPTY="empty";
-	LEADING="leading";
-	MEMBER="member";
-	OBJECT="object";
-	OF="of";
-	TRAILING="trailing";
-	// -- Synthetic token types --
-	AGGREGATE;		// One of the aggregate functions (e.g. min, max, avg)
-	CASE2;
-	FILTER_ENTITY;		// FROM element injected because of a filter expression (happens during compilation phase 2)
-	IS_NULL;			// Unary 'is null' operator.
-	VECTOR_EXPR;		// ( x, y, z )
-	WEIRD_IDENT;		// Identifiers that were keywords when they came in.
-	// Literal tokens.
-    /** True if this is a filter query (allow no FROM clause). **/
-	private boolean filter = false;
-	/**
-	 * Sets the filter flag.
-	 * @param f True for a filter query, false for a normal query.
-	 */
-	public void setFilter(boolean f) {
-		filter = f;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns true if this is a filter query, false if not.
-	 * @return true if this is a filter query, false if not.
-	 */
-	public boolean isFilter() {
-		return filter;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * This method is overriden in the sub class in order to provide the
-	 * 'keyword as identifier' hack.
-	 * @param token The token to retry as an identifier.
-	 * @param ex The exception to throw if it cannot be retried as an identifier.
-	 */
-	public AST handleIdentifierError(Token token,RecognitionException ex) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
-		// Base implementation: Just re-throw the exception.
-		throw ex;
-	}
-    /**
-     * This method looks ahead and converts . <token> into . IDENT when
-     * appropriate.
-     */
-    public void handleDotIdent() throws TokenStreamException {
-    }
-	/**
-	 * Returns the negated equivalent of the expression.
-	 * @param x The expression to negate.
-	 */
-	public AST negateNode(AST x) {
-		// Just create a 'not' parent for the default behavior.
-		return ASTUtil.createParent(astFactory, NOT, "not", x);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the 'cleaned up' version of a comparison operator sub-tree.
-	 * @param x The comparison operator to clean up.
-	 */
-	public AST processEqualityExpression(AST x) throws RecognitionException {
-		return x;
-	}
-	public void weakKeywords() throws TokenStreamException { }
-	public void processMemberOf(Token n,AST p,ASTPair currentAST) { }
-	: ( updateStatement | deleteStatement | selectStatement | insertStatement )
-	;
-		optionalFromTokenFromClause
-		setClause
-		(whereClause)?
-	;
-	: (SET^ assignment (COMMA! assignment)*)
-	;
-	: stateField EQ^ newValue
-	;
-// "state_field" is the term used in the EJB3 sample grammar; used here for easy reference.
-// it is basically a property ref
-	: path
-	;
-// this still needs to be defined in the ejb3 spec; additiveExpression is currently just a best guess,
-// although it is highly likely I would think that the spec may limit this even more tightly.
-	: concatenation
-	;
-		(optionalFromTokenFromClause)
-		(whereClause)?
-	;
-	: (FROM!)? f:path (a:asAlias)? {
-		AST #range = #([RANGE, "RANGE"], #f, #a);
-		#optionalFromTokenFromClause = #([FROM, "FROM"], #range);
-	}
-	;
-	: queryRule {
-		#selectStatement = #([QUERY,"query"], #selectStatement);
-	}
-	;
-	// Would be nice if we could abstract the FromClause/FromElement logic
-	// out such that it could be reused here; something analogous to
-	// a "table" rule in sql-grammars
-	: INSERT^ intoClause selectStatement
-	;
-	: INTO^ path { weakKeywords(); } insertablePropertySpec
-	;
-	: OPEN! primaryExpression ( COMMA! primaryExpression )* CLOSE! {
-		// Just need *something* to distinguish this on the hql-sql.g side
-		#insertablePropertySpec = #([RANGE, "column-spec"], #insertablePropertySpec);
-	}
-	;
-	: queryRule (UNION queryRule)*
-	;
-//## query:
-//##     [selectClause] fromClause [whereClause] [groupByClause] [havingClause] [orderByClause];
-	: selectFrom
-		(whereClause)?
-		(groupByClause)?
-		(orderByClause)?
-		;
-	:  (s:selectClause)? (f:fromClause)? {
-		// If there was no FROM clause and this is a filter query, create a from clause.  Otherwise, throw
-		// an exception because non-filter queries must have a FROM clause.
-		if (#f == null) {
-			if (filter) {
-				#f = #([FROM,"{filter-implied FROM}"]);
-			}
-			else
-				throw new SemanticException("FROM expected (non-filter queries must contain a FROM clause)");
-		}
-		// Create an artificial token so the 'FROM' can be placed
-		// before the SELECT in the tree to make tree processing
-		// simpler.
-		#selectFrom = #([SELECT_FROM,"SELECT_FROM"],f,s);
-	}
-	;
-//## selectClause:
-//##     SELECT DISTINCT? selectedPropertiesList | ( NEW className OPEN selectedPropertiesList CLOSE );
-	: SELECT^	// NOTE: The '^' after a token causes the corresponding AST node to be the root of the sub-tree.
-		{ weakKeywords(); }	// Weak keywords can appear immediately after a SELECT token.
-		(DISTINCT)? ( selectedPropertiesList | newExpression | selectObject )
-	;
-	: (NEW! path) op:OPEN^ {#op.setType(CONSTRUCTOR);} selectedPropertiesList CLOSE!
-	;
-   : OBJECT^ OPEN! identifier CLOSE!
-   ;
-//## fromClause:
-//##    FROM className AS? identifier (  ( COMMA className AS? identifier ) | ( joinType path AS? identifier ) )*;
-// NOTE: This *must* begin with the "FROM" token, otherwise the sub-query rule will be ambiguous
-// with the expression rule.
-// Also note: after a comma weak keywords are allowed and should be treated as identifiers.
-	: FROM^ { weakKeywords(); } fromRange ( fromJoin | COMMA! { weakKeywords(); } fromRange )*
-	;
-//## joinType:
-//##     ( ( 'left'|'right' 'outer'? ) | 'full' | 'inner' )? JOIN FETCH?;
-	: ( ( ( LEFT | RIGHT ) (OUTER)? ) | FULL | INNER )? JOIN^ (FETCH)? 
-	  path (asAlias)? (propertyFetch)? (withClause)?
-	;
-	: WITH^ logicalExpression
-	;
-	: fromClassOrOuterQueryPath
-	| inClassDeclaration
-	| inCollectionDeclaration
-	| inCollectionElementsDeclaration
-	;
-	: c:path { weakKeywords(); } (a:asAlias)? (p:propertyFetch)? {
-		#fromClassOrOuterQueryPath = #([RANGE, "RANGE"], #c, #a, #p);
-	}
-	;
-	: a:alias IN! CLASS! c:path {
-		#inClassDeclaration = #([RANGE, "RANGE"], #c, #a);
-	}
-	;
-    : IN! OPEN! p:path CLOSE! a:alias {
-        #inCollectionDeclaration = #([JOIN, "join"], [INNER, "inner"], #p, #a);
-	}
-    ;
-	: a:alias IN! ELEMENTS! OPEN! p:path CLOSE! {
-        #inCollectionElementsDeclaration = #([JOIN, "join"], [INNER, "inner"], #p, #a);
-	}
-    ;
-// Alias rule - Parses the optional 'as' token and forces an AST identifier node.
-	: (AS!)? alias
-	;
-	: a:identifier { #a.setType(ALIAS); }
-    ;
-	;
-//## groupByClause:
-//##     GROUP_BY path ( COMMA path )*;
-	: GROUP^ 
-		"by"! expression ( COMMA! expression )*
-		(havingClause)?
-	;
-//## orderByClause:
-//##     ORDER_BY selectedPropertiesList;
-	: ORDER^ "by"! orderElement ( COMMA! orderElement )*
-	;
-	: expression ( ascendingOrDescending )?
-	;
-	: ( "asc" | "ascending" )	{ #ascendingOrDescending.setType(ASCENDING); }
-	| ( "desc" | "descending") 	{ #ascendingOrDescending.setType(DESCENDING); }
-	;
-//## havingClause:
-//##     HAVING logicalExpression;
-	: HAVING^ logicalExpression
-	;
-//## whereClause:
-//##     WHERE logicalExpression;
-	: WHERE^ logicalExpression
-	;
-//## selectedPropertiesList:
-//##     ( path | aggregate ) ( COMMA path | aggregate )*;
-	: aliasedExpression ( COMMA! aliasedExpression )*
-	;
-	: expression ( AS^ identifier )?
-	;
-// expressions
-// Note that most of these expressions follow the pattern
-//   thisLevelExpression :
-//       nextHigherPrecedenceExpression
-//           (OPERATOR nextHigherPrecedenceExpression)*
-// which is a standard recursive definition for a parsing an expression.
-// Operator precedence in HQL
-// lowest  --> ( 7)  OR
-//             ( 6)  AND, NOT
-//             ( 5)  equality: ==, <>, !=, is
-//             ( 4)  relational: <, <=, >, >=,
-//                   LIKE, NOT LIKE, BETWEEN, NOT BETWEEN, IN, NOT IN
-//             ( 3)  addition and subtraction: +(binary) -(binary)
-//             ( 2)  multiplication: * / %, concatenate: ||
-// highest --> ( 1)  +(unary) -(unary)
-//                   []   () (method call)  . (dot -- identifier qualification)
-//                   aggregate function
-//                   ()  (explicit parenthesis)
-// Note that the above precedence levels map to the rules below...
-// Once you have a precedence chart, writing the appropriate rules as below
-// is usually very straightfoward
-	: expression
-	;
-// Main expression rule
-	: logicalOrExpression
-	;
-// level 7 - OR
-	: logicalAndExpression ( OR^ logicalAndExpression )*
-	;
-// level 6 - AND, NOT
-	: negatedExpression ( AND^ negatedExpression )*
-	;
-// NOT nodes aren't generated.  Instead, the operator in the sub-tree will be
-// negated, if possible.   Expressions without a NOT parent are passed through.
-{ weakKeywords(); } // Weak keywords can appear in an expression, so look ahead.
-	: NOT^ x:negatedExpression { #negatedExpression = negateNode(#x); }
-	| y:equalityExpression { #negatedExpression = #y; }
-	;
-//## OP: EQ | LT | GT | LE | GE | NE | SQL_NE | LIKE;
-// level 5 - EQ, NE
-	: x:relationalExpression (
-		( EQ^
-		| is:IS^	{ #is.setType(EQ); } (NOT! { #is.setType(NE); } )?
-		| NE^
-		| ne:SQL_NE^	{ #ne.setType(NE); }
-		) y:relationalExpression)* {
-			// Post process the equality expression to clean up 'is null', etc.
-			#equalityExpression = processEqualityExpression(#equalityExpression);
-		}
-	;
-// NOTE: The NOT prefix for LIKE and BETWEEN will be represented in the
-// token type.  When traversing the AST, use the token type, and not the
-// token text to interpret the semantics of these nodes.
-	: concatenation (
-		( ( ( LT^ | GT^ | LE^ | GE^ ) additiveExpression )* )
-		// Disable node production for the optional 'not'.
-		| (n:NOT!)? (
-			// Represent the optional NOT prefix using the token type by
-			// testing 'n' and setting the token type accordingly.
-			(i:IN^ {
-					#i.setType( (n == null) ? IN : NOT_IN);
-					#i.setText( (n == null) ? "in" : "not in");
-				}
-				inList)
-			| (b:BETWEEN^ {
-					#b.setType( (n == null) ? BETWEEN : NOT_BETWEEN);
-					#b.setText( (n == null) ? "between" : "not between");
-				}
-				betweenList )
-			| (l:LIKE^ {
-					#l.setType( (n == null) ? LIKE : NOT_LIKE);
-					#l.setText( (n == null) ? "like" : "not like");
-				}
-				concatenation likeEscape)
-			| (MEMBER! (OF!)? p:path! {
-				processMemberOf(n,#p,currentAST);
-			  } ) )
-		)
-	;
-	: (ESCAPE^ concatenation)?
-	;
-	: x:compoundExpr
-	{ #inList = #([IN_LIST,"inList"], #inList); }
-	;
-	: concatenation AND! concatenation
-	;
-//level 4 - string concatenation
-	: additiveExpression 
-	( c:CONCAT^ { #c.setType(EXPR_LIST); #c.setText("concatList"); } 
-	  additiveExpression
-	  ( CONCAT! additiveExpression )* 
-	  { #concatenation = #([METHOD_CALL, "||"], #([IDENT, "concat"]), #c ); } )?
-	;
-// level 3 - binary plus and minus
-	: multiplyExpression ( ( PLUS^ | MINUS^ ) multiplyExpression )*
-	;
-// level 2 - binary multiply and divide
-	: unaryExpression ( ( STAR^ | DIV^ ) unaryExpression )*
-	;
-// level 1 - unary minus, unary plus, not
-	: MINUS^ {#MINUS.setType(UNARY_MINUS);} unaryExpression
-	| PLUS^ {#PLUS.setType(UNARY_PLUS);} unaryExpression
-	| caseExpression
-	| quantifiedExpression
-	| atom
-	;
-	: CASE^ (whenClause)+ (elseClause)? END! 
-	| CASE^ { #CASE.setType(CASE2); } unaryExpression (altWhenClause)+ (elseClause)? END!
-	;
-	: (WHEN^ logicalExpression THEN! unaryExpression)
-	;
-	: (WHEN^ unaryExpression THEN! unaryExpression)
-	;
-	: (ELSE^ unaryExpression)
-	;
-	: ( SOME^ | EXISTS^ | ALL^ | ANY^ ) 
-	( identifier | collectionExpr | (OPEN! ( subQuery ) CLOSE!) )
-	;
-// level 0 - expression atom
-// ident qualifier ('.' ident ), array index ( [ expr ] ),
-// method call ( '.' ident '(' exprList ') )
-	 : primaryExpression
-		(
-			DOT^ identifier
-				( options { greedy=true; } :
-					( op:OPEN^ {#op.setType(METHOD_CALL);} exprList CLOSE! ) )?
-		|	lb:OPEN_BRACKET^ {#lb.setType(INDEX_OP);} expression CLOSE_BRACKET!
-		)*
-	;
-// level 0 - the basic element of an expression
-	:   identPrimary ( options {greedy=true;} : DOT^ "class" )?
-	|   constant
-	|   COLON^ identifier
-	// TODO: Add parens to the tree so the user can control the operator evaluation order.
-	|   OPEN! (expressionOrVector | subQuery) CLOSE!
-	|   PARAM^ (NUM_INT)?
-	;
-// This parses normal expression and a list of expressions separated by commas.  If a comma is encountered
-// a parent VECTOR_EXPR node will be created for the list.
-	: e:expression ( v:vectorExpr )? {
-		// If this is a vector expression, create a parent node for it.
-		if (#v != null)
-			#expressionOrVector = #([VECTOR_EXPR,"{vector}"], #e, #v);
-		else
-			#expressionOrVector = #e;
-	}
-	;
-	: COMMA! expression (COMMA! expression)*
-	;
-// identifier, followed by member refs (dot ident), or method calls.
-// NOTE: handleDotIdent() is called immediately after the first IDENT is recognized because
-// the method looks a head to find keywords after DOT and turns them into identifiers.
-	: identifier { handleDotIdent(); }
-			( options { greedy=true; } : DOT^ ( identifier | ELEMENTS | o:OBJECT { #o.setType(IDENT); } ) )*
-			( options { greedy=true; } :
-				( op:OPEN^ { #op.setType(METHOD_CALL);} exprList CLOSE! )
-			)?
-	// Also allow special 'aggregate functions' such as count(), avg(), etc.
-	| aggregate
-	;
-//## aggregate:
-//##     ( aggregateFunction OPEN path CLOSE ) | ( COUNT OPEN STAR CLOSE ) | ( COUNT OPEN (DISTINCT | ALL) path CLOSE );
-//## aggregateFunction:
-//##     COUNT | 'sum' | 'avg' | 'max' | 'min';
-	: ( SUM^ | AVG^ | MAX^ | MIN^ ) OPEN! additiveExpression CLOSE! { #aggregate.setType(AGGREGATE); }
-	// Special case for count - It's 'parameters' can be keywords.
-	|  COUNT^ OPEN! ( STAR { #STAR.setType(ROW_STAR); } | ( ( DISTINCT | ALL )? ( path | collectionExpr ) ) ) CLOSE!
-	|  collectionExpr
-	;
-//## collection: ( OPEN query CLOSE ) | ( 'elements'|'indices' OPEN path CLOSE );
-	;
-// NOTE: compoundExpr can be a 'path' where the last token in the path is '.elements' or '.indicies'
-	: collectionExpr
-	| path
-	| (OPEN! ( (expression (COMMA! expression)*) | subQuery ) CLOSE!)
-	;
-	: union
-	{ #subQuery = #([QUERY,"query"], #subQuery); }
-	;
-   AST trimSpec = null;
-	: (t:TRAILING {#trimSpec = #t;} | l:LEADING {#trimSpec = #l;} | b:BOTH {#trimSpec = #b;})?
-	  		{ if(#trimSpec != null) #trimSpec.setType(IDENT); }
-	  ( 
-	  		expression ( (COMMA! expression)+ | FROM { #FROM.setType(IDENT); } expression | AS! identifier )? 
-	  		| FROM { #FROM.setType(IDENT); } expression
-	  )?
-			{ #exprList = #([EXPR_LIST,"exprList"], #exprList); }
-	;
-	| NULL
-	| TRUE
-	;
-//## quantifiedExpression: 'exists' | ( expression 'in' ) | ( expression OP 'any' | 'some' ) collection;
-//## compoundPath: path ( OPEN_BRACKET expression CLOSE_BRACKET ( '.' path )? )*;
-//## path: identifier ( '.' identifier )*;
-	: identifier ( DOT^ { weakKeywords(); } identifier )*
-	;
-// Wraps the IDENT token from the lexer, in order to provide
-// 'keyword as identifier' trickery.
-	exception
-	catch [RecognitionException ex]
-	{
-		identifier_AST = handleIdentifierError(LT(1),ex);
-	}
-	;
-// **** LEXER ******************************************************************
- * Hibernate Query Language Lexer
- * <br>
- * This lexer provides the HQL parser with tokens.
- * @author Joshua Davis (pgmjsd at sourceforge.net)
- */
-class HqlBaseLexer extends Lexer;
-options {
-	exportVocab=Hql;      // call the vocabulary "Hql"
-	testLiterals = false;
-	k=2; // needed for newline, and to distinguish '>' from '>='.
-	// HHH-241 : Quoted strings don't allow unicode chars - This should fix it.
-	charVocabulary='\u0000'..'\uFFFE';	// Allow any char but \uFFFF (16 bit -1, ANTLR's EOF character)
-	caseSensitive = false;
-	caseSensitiveLiterals = false;
-// -- Declarations --
-	// NOTE: The real implementations are in the subclass.
-	protected void setPossibleID(boolean possibleID) {}
-// -- Keywords --
-EQ: '=';
-LT: '<';
-GT: '>';
-SQL_NE: "<>";
-NE: "!=" | "^=";
-LE: "<=";
-GE: ">=";
-COMMA: ',';
-OPEN: '(';
-CLOSE: ')';
-CONCAT: "||";
-PLUS: '+';
-MINUS: '-';
-STAR: '*';
-DIV: '/';
-COLON: ':';
-PARAM: '?';
-IDENT options { testLiterals=true; }
-		{
-    		// Setting this flag allows the grammar to use keywords as identifiers, if necessary.
-			setPossibleID(true);
-		}
-	;
-    :    '_'
-    |    '$'
-    |    'a'..'z'
-    |    '\u0080'..'\ufffe'       // HHH-558 : Allow unicode chars in identifiers
-    ;
-    |    '0'..'9'
-    ;
-	  : '\'' ( (ESCqs)=> ESCqs | ~'\'' )* '\''
-	;
-	:
-		'\'' '\''
-	;
-WS  :   (   ' '
-		|   '\t'
-		|   '\r' '\n' { newline(); }
-		|   '\n'      { newline(); }
-		|   '\r'      { newline(); }
-		)
-		{$setType(Token.SKIP);} //ignore this token
-	;
-//--- From the Java example grammar ---
-// a numeric literal
-	{boolean isDecimal=false; Token t=null;}
-	:   '.' {_ttype = DOT;}
-			(	('0'..'9')+ (EXPONENT)? (f1:FLOAT_SUFFIX {t=f1;})?
-				{
-					if (t != null && t.getText().toUpperCase().indexOf('F')>=0)
-					{
-						_ttype = NUM_FLOAT;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						_ttype = NUM_DOUBLE; // assume double
-					}
-				}
-			)?
-	|	(	'0' {isDecimal = true;} // special case for just '0'
-			(	('x')
-				(											// hex
-					// the 'e'|'E' and float suffix stuff look
-					// like hex digits, hence the (...)+ doesn't
-					// know when to stop: ambig.  ANTLR resolves
-					// it correctly by matching immediately.  It
-					// is therefore ok to hush warning.
-					options { warnWhenFollowAmbig=false; }
-				:	HEX_DIGIT
-				)+
-			|	('0'..'7')+									// octal
-			)?
-		|	('1'..'9') ('0'..'9')*  {isDecimal=true;}		// non-zero decimal
-		)
-		(	('l') { _ttype = NUM_LONG; }
-		// only check to see if it's a float if looks like decimal so far
-		|	{isDecimal}?
-			(   '.' ('0'..'9')* (EXPONENT)? (f2:FLOAT_SUFFIX {t=f2;})?
-			|   EXPONENT (f3:FLOAT_SUFFIX {t=f3;})?
-			|   f4:FLOAT_SUFFIX {t=f4;}
-			)
-			{
-				if (t != null && t.getText().toUpperCase() .indexOf('F') >= 0)
-				{
-					_ttype = NUM_FLOAT;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					_ttype = NUM_DOUBLE; // assume double
-				}
-			}
-		)?
-	;
-// hexadecimal digit (again, note it's protected!)
-	:	('0'..'9'|'a'..'f')
-	;
-// a couple protected methods to assist in matching floating point numbers
-	:	('e') ('+'|'-')? ('0'..'9')+
-	;
-	:	'f'|'d'
-	;

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