[hibernate-dev] hibernate-extras

Steve Ebersole steve at hibernate.org
Tue Nov 13 10:26:15 EST 2007

On Tuesday 13 November 2007 06:19:46 am Schuler, Peter wrote:
> I stand with Michael about introduction of a hibernate-extra jar-file.
> I use the DB2400 and 390 dialect a lot and we have had a hard time getting
> our mainframe sysadmins to allow Hibernate on their precious mainframe.
> Physically removing these crucial parts to another jar file labelled as
> "unmaintained and untested" will not help gain their trust.
> Is there no other way to get this messages out there without creating
> another jar-file? Perhaps a list on the Hibernate website? This will also
> be more flexible in ways of changing the status of "unmaintained and
> untested" parts.
> Just my two cents as do understand the difficulties you are facing in
> maintaining these parts.
> Kind regards,
> Peter

Simply listing them on a website page does not have nearly the effect moving 
them to another jar has.  In terms of dialects, this is already the case and 
in fact has been for over 2 years.  And yet, it takes the mere suggestion of 
removal to a seperate jar to get any type of reponse.

Honestly, what I really want is some ownership.  Trust me, I'd rather not 
separate these; I'd much rather have individuals take responsiblity for 
maintaining each of these pieces.

Steve Ebersole

Hibernate Project Lead

Principal Software Engineer

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