[hibernate-dev] schedules for Hibernate Search?

Sanne Grinovero sanne.grinovero at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 14:12:57 EDT 2009

Hi Emmanuel,
had a chat with Navin today, he was pinging me about HSEARCH-397. He
is needing that for the Infinispan release.
This issue was planned for Search 3.3 which is quite far away.. I've
just changed that to 3.2.0 but even so are you thinking in releasing
that before the end of this year (the Infinispan release timeframe) ?
Maybe we could start planning a beta release and define which issues
have priority?

I've seen there are 30 issues open, some are trivial and some are
nearly done, like dynamic boosting is only missing documentation.

I'd suggest postponing the hard stuff like
HSEARCH-361  	 Only index an entity if an indexed property has changed
HSEARCH-275  	 support new NIOFSDirectory, a multithreaded optimized FSDirectory
HSEARCH-364  	 Make Hibernate Search fully mockable
unless you have concrete ideas about how to implement them.

Other comments:
HSEARCH-246  Run optimize at the end of the transaction even if
flushToIndexes() is used
I don't need this one anymore as MassIndexer has it's own concept of
queues. IMHO a Beta is needed so that somebody tries the MassIndexer
BTW ;-)

HSEARCH-392  	 JGroups based backend
Is Ɓukasz willing to write a documentation patch?

HSEARCH-370  	 Monitoring of batch indexer state and progress
I'm in need of some directions on this one from someone having tried
to use it; the prototype API was committed as part of HSEARCH-218

Mutual dependency: so Infinispan is needing a Search release, and
Search an Infinispan release? It's about a submodule from the one
depending on the core of the other, still we should release at least a
beta to make a deployment possible, or have Infinispan release
submodules later than core?


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