[hibernate-dev] Blog / CI setup

Sanne Grinovero sanne at hibernate.org
Fri Jun 12 09:08:44 EDT 2015

Hi all,
the ci server was reconfigured to host our next.gen blog platform;
I have now created a build job here:

It's using the following build script:

 rake clean
 rake setup
 rake test gen[staging] && rsync -avh _site/

Which gets me this error:

I copied this script from the job which builds www.hibernate.org, but
I guess the incantation needs to be different in this case?

I'm not using RVM, I was hoping we could get it work work without it.
Should I just assume RVM is requirement?
I did install the following RPMs:
   - gcc
   - make
   - ruby-devel
   - gcc-c++
   - libxml2
   - libxml2-devel
   - libxslt
   - libxslt-devel
   - rubygem-nokogiri

And these gems:
 - rake
 - bundler

(both, system wide)

The system-wide ruby version is:
 ruby 2.1.6p336 (2015-04-13 revision 50298) [x86_64-linux]


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