[hibernate-dev] Everyone: Need volunteers for mentoring GSOC

Gunnar Morling gunnar at hibernate.org
Fri Mar 11 05:05:23 EST 2016


Just a quick reminder: student's application phase starts next Monday,
so if anyone feels like adding another proposal, you should do so now.

The async stuff would be very interesting IMHO, but it'd need some
more sharpening to make it operational for students.



2016-03-06 17:29 GMT+01:00 Gunnar Morling <gunnar at hibernate.org>:
> Hi,
> 2016-03-06 14:03 GMT+01:00 Sanne Grinovero <sanne at hibernate.org>:
>> On 5 March 2016 at 19:56, Gunnar Morling <gunnar at hibernate.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've added a proposal for "Hibernate Search: JSR 352 batch job for
>>> re-indexing entities":
>> Looks great!
>> A couple more thoughts about this one:
>>  - should we suggest testing with different 2lc patterns, or keep it
>> more open to suggest exploring additional ideas to push the indexing
>> times down?
> I'd say let's leave it a bit more open, so students can add their own ideas.
> That said, what specifically do you have in mind here? I can see how
> the 2nd level cache comes into play when re-indexing several entities
> (e.g. A in its own index and another time via an @IndexedEmbedded
> association B.A). Is this what you mean?
> I've shared a Google doc for this with you, please feel free to add
> any thoughts in addition to what's in the public proposal.
>>  - do we need to clarify that we expect people to load such entities
>> through their (existing) Hibernate mappings?
> I don't think that's necessary right now. We can clarify these sorts
> of things if applicants show up.
>> I can see how somebody might think he can do better by hand-rolling
>> SQL, but the goal should be to have the framework figure out the
>> optimal way without users having to maintain such SQL.. so this might
>> optionally produce some more general purpose optimisations to
>> Hibernate ORM's fetch strategy implementations.
>> Most importantly: you're mentoring this one?
> Yes, I will, provided we find a student with high aspiration :)
>> Thanks,
>> Sanne
>>> https://developer.jboss.org/wiki/JBossCommunityGoogleSummerOfCode2016Ideas#jive_content_id_Hibernate_Search_JSR_352_batch_job_for_reindexing_entities
>>> Any feedback welcome!
>>> Thanks,
>>> --Gunnar
>>> 2016-03-03 12:41 GMT+01:00 Gunnar Morling <gunnar at hibernate.org>:
>>>> Ahaha, ok. I took previous contribution as a given for active
>>>> participants on hibernate-dev and people considering to mentor ;)
>>>> Sorry I misread.
>>>> 2016-03-03 12:38 GMT+01:00 Sanne Grinovero <sanne at hibernate.org>:
>>>>> I asked for mentors, not students.
>>>>> On Thu, 3 Mar 2016 11:05 Gunnar Morling, <gunnar at hibernate.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I'll write up the proposal for the batch job for mass indexing and
>>>>>> submit it to
>>>>>> https://developer.jboss.org/wiki/JBossCommunityGoogleSummerOfCode2016Ideas.
>>>>>> > It would need to be someone who's regularly contributing already...
>>>>>> Personally I don't think that's needed and also it's not in the spirit of
>>>>>> GSoC.
>>>>>> The program is meant to bring students *into* OSS development. Of
>>>>>> course having experience in that area doesn't harm, but it's no
>>>>>> requirement. Much more important is the general attitude (willingness
>>>>>> to learn etc.) as well as general programming knowledge.
>>>>>> Student's applications start on March 14th, so whatever we feel like
>>>>>> going for, should be in that proposal list by then.
>>>>>> --Gunnar
>>>>>> 2016-03-01 18:27 GMT+01:00 Sanne Grinovero <sanne at hibernate.org>:
>>>>>> > Hi all,
>>>>>> > earlier today in our IRC meeting [1] we discussed ideas for Google
>>>>>> > Summer of Code;
>>>>>> > mostly related Hibernate Search but not only:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Quoting the previous summary by Gunnar:
>>>>>> >   1 - Java Batch API job for HSEARCH mass indexing
>>>>>> >   2 - Solr backend
>>>>>> >   3 - HSEARCH support for JHipster
>>>>>> >   4 - HSEARCH support for Spring Data
>>>>>> >   5 - Async API for ORM/OGM/HSEARCH
>>>>>> > [It's not a closed list, you can also propose additional ideas.]
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > is anyone on this mailing list interested enough on these subjects to
>>>>>> > volunteer mentoring?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I mentored two students last year and we had nice results, but I won't
>>>>>> > be able to mentor this summer.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > It would need to be someone who's regularly contributing already, and
>>>>>> > ideally someone familiar with the technology we're integrating with:
>>>>>> > most of the above proposals are about integrating with some other
>>>>>> > standard or framework.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > For example I wouldn't mentor on JHipster as all I know about it is
>>>>>> > what I've seen in a couple of presentations... but if the student is
>>>>>> > not too junior he can also be tasked with reaching out to "the other"
>>>>>> > community to get guidance.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > But for that I'd want us to be able to make some introductions at
>>>>>> > least, to have some kind of "co-mentor" volunteered by the other
>>>>>> > community/project.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Thanks,
>>>>>> > Sanne
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > 1 -
>>>>>> > http://transcripts.jboss.org/meeting/irc.freenode.org/hibernate-dev/2016/hibernate-dev.2016-03-01-14.04.html
>>>>>> > _______________________________________________
>>>>>> > hibernate-dev mailing list
>>>>>> > hibernate-dev at lists.jboss.org
>>>>>> > https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/hibernate-dev

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