[infinispan-dev] Distribution package restructuring

Tristan Tarrant ttarrant at redhat.com
Tue Sep 16 10:35:18 EDT 2014

Hi all,

now that the uberjars have been folded into 7.0, we really need to 
restructure our zip distributions to accommodate this.

First, the naming. We currently have -bin, -all and -src distributions.

I would like to rename the "-bin" distribution to "-minimal" which would 
only include:

- infinispan-embedded
- infinispan-embedded-query
- Javadocs and XSDs for the above
- Example configurations
- Demos for any of the above

Then we would have an -all distribution which would include

- everything from "-minimal"
- additional cachestores (leveldb, remote, rest)
- extra modules (cdi, jcache, tree, spring)
- embedded CLI
- RHQ plugin

I'd also filter the dependencies, e.g. why package the spring deps when 
Spring users will be using theirs anyway.

The following is an example layout:

- infinispan-embedded.jar
- infinispan-embedded-query.jar
- README.txt
- README-modules.txt
+ bin
   - functions.sh
   - ispn-cli.sh
   - ispn-cli.bat
+ config
   - distributed-udp.xml
   - ...
   + schema
     - infinispan-config-7.0.xsd
     - infinispan-cachestore-jdbc-config-7.0.xsd
     - infinispan-cachestore-jpa-config-7.0.xsd
     - infinispan-cachestore-leveldb-config-7.0.xsd (all)
     - infinispan-cachestore-remote-config-7.0.xsd (all)
     - infinispan-cachestore-rest-config-7.0.xsd (all)
+ demos
   + ...
+ doc
   + api
     - ...
+ licenses
   - ...
+ management
   + rhq-plugin
     - infinispan-rhq-plugin.jar
+ modules (all)
   + cli
     - infinispan-cli-interpreter.jar
   + jcache
     - infinispan-cdi.jar
     - infinispan-jcache.jar
     - cache-api.jar
   + persistence
     + leveldb
     + remote
     + rest
   + spring
     - infinispan-spring.jar
   + tree
     - infinispan-tree.jar

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