[infinispan-dev] ci.infinispan.org

Tristan Tarrant ttarrant at redhat.com
Thu Mar 1 04:12:33 EST 2018

Hi all,

just a few notes on ci.infinispan.org:

- Added a permanent redirect rule from http to https
- Refreshed JDKs (9.0.4, 1.8.0_161, 1.8.0_sr5fp10)
- Updated Maven to 3.5.2 and Ant to 1.10.2
- Installed git 2.9.3 from the Software Collections to resolve the issue 
of shallow clones not working correctly

Additionally, the envinject plugin for Jenkins is preventing the 
inherited environment variables from leaking into the agent build. While 
this creates more reliable builds, it also caused failures in the 
WildFly integration tests because they could not resolve env.JAVA_HOME.
I have therefore added a line in Jenkinsfile for master that selects the 
JDK tool() to use for the build.
Unfortunately there is no way for declarative pipelines to parameterize 
this for other JDKs, so we will probably have to adopt a different 
strategy in order to build with different JDKs.

Tristan Tarrant
Infinispan Lead and Data Grid Architect
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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