[jboss-as7-dev] Deployment -- why marker files?

Jim Tyrrell jtyrrell at redhat.com
Tue Apr 12 23:21:37 EDT 2011

I will second this, I hope the console has the ability to "tweak" these settings, I also would think the command line tool should handle them, from the demo today it looks like it does, or at least does something around deployment.

Jim Tyrrell
Senior JBoss Solutions Architect

Did you see RHT on CNBC's Mad Money?

On Apr 12, 2011, at 8:16 PM, Howard Gao wrote:

> I think managing those mark files with deployment through a tool is the 
> right way. If I had such a tool, I don't even care to look into 
> /deployments directory for any mark files.
> Howard
> On 04/13/2011 06:57 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>> Have you guys talked with Max and the tools team to see what/how this
>>>> effects what they have to do?
>>> Yes, I think hes happy with the eventual outcome. Although I will let
>>> him comment :)
>> Jim, if you look at the forum thread you should see my head show up a tons of times ;)
>> And just to keep it short - I think we found a good balance that solves both sides of the story and the
>> overall idea is good - especially now that just putting archives in the directory will work as you have always
>> been used to. There might be some glitches left in the implementation but that is why its called a Beta and
>> if someone finds issues with it report jira with steps to reproduce.
>> So if you use archives then stuff just works (even with tools), if exploded then you need an explicit marker but
>> that is "easily" done in tools; hardest one is actually Maven but should be easy to implement in Cargo.
>> JBoss Tools trunk supports the notion of .dodeploy files now btw.
>> Our biggest challenge is the remote API which is unfortunately much more shaky at this point than the file deployment....so i'm happy
>> the FS API at least works otherwise we would be rather stuck ;)
>> /max
>> http://about.me/maxandersen
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