[jboss-as7-dev] Missing 404 for non-existent web app context?

Max Rydahl Andersen max.andersen at redhat.com
Mon Apr 18 07:52:03 EDT 2011

Ignoring the apparent noninterest from Remy in providing some useful feedback to users (new or old) about the server running, then lets just look at consistent error handling:

I started the 4 browsers I have (firefox, safari, chrome and opera) and opened a few pages to illustrate the "userfriendyness" AS 7 currently have:

Visiting localhost:8080
Shows up in 3 different ways - IE would probably make it a forth.

Visitng localhost:9990 (management root)
Gets 404 repsonse with content - at least looks the same in every browser.

Visiting a page that does not exist within a default deployment:
Here there is html/text snippet and info about what server i'm running.
In all cases the user needs to not only digg through nonexistent documentation, he will also have
to actually read it and understand basic deployment first.

I bet you that many Java newbies have no idea about that and even when we look at production
operations they don't know and they would then know by chance that ...ah yes, 404 from AS 7 is expected.

So two things here:

At least put a http accessible welcome page *somewhere* and consider this a request to make
the error codes/handling consistent on both management, empty root and within a deployed context 
if at all possible.

And if that welcome page is *not* localhost:8080 then print out that location in the console after the "AS 7 started up in xyz ms."


On Apr 18, 2011, at 12:38, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

>>> Couldn't we at least add a ROOT.war into deployments/ until you figure out 
>>> how to have a fallback option ? :)
>> I don't think polluting the user deployments is good. Do you really need
>> that, or is it simply a habit ?
> I personally don't care if the user deployments contain root.war or not -
> what I do care is that users can very easily get started and verify they are on the right track.
> Getting a page verifying the server is working/running would be a great help here.
> Not only for usability/gettingstarted concerns but also to have some "identfiication"/branding of AS 7 so
> you and everyone else know what they are seeing/using.
> btw. the error reporting/behavior is different when you visit the management, the web root or a deployed context -
> would be nice to at least have them be somewhat consistent.
>> Why on the web container port rather on
>> the management one ?
> Because noone knows where the management one is at.
> First link on the default page should be the management - just like it was in previous versions (and no, that isn't just a habit, its what makes sense :)
> /max
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