[jboss-as7-dev] Missing 404 for non-existent web app context?

Jason T. Greene jason.greene at redhat.com
Mon Apr 18 10:38:12 EDT 2011

On 4/18/11 7:50 AM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
> On 04/18/2011 06:38 AM, Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>> On 04/18/2011 12:58 PM, Remy Maucherat wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2011-04-18 at 12:38 +0200, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>> I personally don't care if the user deployments contain root.war or not -
>>>> what I do care is that users can very easily get started and verify they are on the right track.
>>>> Getting a page verifying the server is working/running would be a great help here.
>>>> Not only for usability/gettingstarted concerns but also to have some "identfiication"/branding of AS 7 so
>>>> you and everyone else know what they are seeing/using.
>>>> btw. the error reporting/behavior is different when you visit the management, the web root or a deployed context -
>>>> would be nice to at least have them be somewhat consistent.
>>> So we need to add a welcome.war in deployments then (no need to name it
>>> ROOT.war IMO).
>> Yes. We have a good line between what is considered user space and AS
>> space and this goes over it.
>> I think a welcome.war should be considered a (complementary) user
>> deployment. Maybe we should stuff it full of our profile pictures/mosaic
>> ("Greetings from JBoss!"). :-)
> I agree we do need some kind of welcome page.  Assuming we cannot do it
> without a deployment though, I think it would be best to first solve
> https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBAS-9020 so that we don't have to spend
> a great deal of time figuring out how to ship a deployment in our HD
> directory or in the content repository.  This way it's just a file we
> put somewhere and reference from the configuration by default.
> In other words, much less work, and much easier for the savvy user to
> turn off when they want to provide their own root path WAR.

My biggest concern with doing this as a deployment is just a bunch of 
unnecessary processing just to display some static resources. However, 
if it can be shown that the cost of some kind of ROOT.war is very 
minimal, than I'd be ok with it.

Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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