[jboss-as7-dev] Missing 404 for non-existent web app context?

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at redhat.com
Mon Apr 18 10:51:02 EDT 2011

On 4/18/11 9:38 AM, Jason T. Greene wrote:
> On 4/18/11 7:50 AM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
>> On 04/18/2011 06:38 AM, Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>>> On 04/18/2011 12:58 PM, Remy Maucherat wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 2011-04-18 at 12:38 +0200, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>>> I personally don't care if the user deployments contain root.war or not -
>>>>> what I do care is that users can very easily get started and verify they are on the right track.
>>>>> Getting a page verifying the server is working/running would be a great help here.
>>>>> Not only for usability/gettingstarted concerns but also to have some "identfiication"/branding of AS 7 so
>>>>> you and everyone else know what they are seeing/using.
>>>>> btw. the error reporting/behavior is different when you visit the management, the web root or a deployed context -
>>>>> would be nice to at least have them be somewhat consistent.
>>>> So we need to add a welcome.war in deployments then (no need to name it
>>>> ROOT.war IMO).
>>> Yes. We have a good line between what is considered user space and AS
>>> space and this goes over it.
>>> I think a welcome.war should be considered a (complementary) user
>>> deployment. Maybe we should stuff it full of our profile pictures/mosaic
>>> ("Greetings from JBoss!"). :-)
>> I agree we do need some kind of welcome page.  Assuming we cannot do it
>> without a deployment though, I think it would be best to first solve
>> https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBAS-9020 so that we don't have to spend
>> a great deal of time figuring out how to ship a deployment in our HD
>> directory or in the content repository.  This way it's just a file we
>> put somewhere and reference from the configuration by default.
>> In other words, much less work, and much easier for the savvy user to
>> turn off when they want to provide their own root path WAR.
> My biggest concern with doing this as a deployment is just a bunch of
> unnecessary processing just to display some static resources. However,
> if it can be shown that the cost of some kind of ROOT.war is very
> minimal, than I'd be ok with it.

If we're going to do it as a true deployment (i.e. one that shows up in 
the config file's <deployments> section and not a hack like we did in 
Alpha1 for the jdbc rars) then we need to do JBAS-9020 and treat it as 
"unmanaged" content

<deployment name="ROOT.war" runtime-name="ROOT.war">
     <fs-archive path="ROOT.war" 

Treating it as managed content ain't gonna fly.

<!-- No way!
<deployment name="ROOT.war" runtime-name="ROOT.war">
    <content id="d37ede977b022a1456ec5e7a5eee07549cb1c414"/>

Brian Stansberry
Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat

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