[jboss-as7-dev] newbee needing help

ssilvert at redhat.com ssilvert at redhat.com
Tue Apr 26 17:13:28 EDT 2011

For the console you need to go to http://localhost:9990/console/index.html.

In development, deployment to domain via the console is fully  
functional and definitely will be there for Beta 4.

Right now I'm working on deployments to standalone via the console.   
I'm not sure if that will make it into Beta 4.

So at worst, Beta 4 will let you deploy to standalone via the CLI and  
to domain via the admin console.

If you gotta have it right now for domain the only way is to do it  


Quoting Brian Millett <bmillett at gmail.com>:

> Sorry to break the "Changes to .jsp in an exploded deployment" thread,
> but I've some very simple questions.
> I've downloaded the AS 7 beta 3.  I can fire up the "standalone"
> instance, use the cli interface to deploy war files and it is going OK.
> The web interface for the standalone gives a nice page, however none of
> the links work.  Work in progress I know.
> The "domain" is another issue.  I can fire it up just fine.  I've read
> many posts that the only way to deploy is via the admin-console.  I've
> tried the web interface localhost:9990/console, but that does nothing.
> Meaning it does not return anything. I'll admit that I did not try the
> cli interface because the domain is supposed to have all of those
> interfaces active (or so says the posts).
> Question:  How do I get started with the domain instance?
> thanks.
> --
> Brian Millett - [ Laurel Takeshima (to G'Kar), "The Gathering"]
> "If it makes you feel any better, I can send them a fruit basket."

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