[jboss-as7-dev] AS7-431: unmanaged content

Brian Stansberry brian.stansberry at redhat.com
Fri Apr 29 15:12:49 EDT 2011

Forgot to say in the book below, that I don't envision changing the 
ServerDeploymentManager/DomainDeploymentManager convenience APIs around 
this (i.e. to support deployments with unmanaged content or multiple 
content items.) The "convenience" case is 1 piece of managed content per 

On 4/29/11 1:48 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
> Switching to the main as7 dev list as when this is ready it's going to
> require some coordination. But first some comments on the patch:
> 1) Looks like there's a problem with the "relativeTo" handling in
> FileSystemDeploymentScannerService:
> http://pastebin.com/3PhN3VLg
> 2) DeploymentFullReplaceHandler in domain-controller needs conversion as
> well.
> 3) ServerDeploymentRepository.addExternalFileReference can disappear. :)
> Now the coordination part:
> This work will break the existing console and the CLI, so before merging
> it we'll need a coordinated change to those (cli is easier since it's
> the same code base).
> The change this introduces can be conceptualized by looking at the xml
> in the JIRA description at [1]
> a) the content of a deployment is now represented via a child element,
> instead of just the attribute on the<deployment/>  element.
> b) we support "unmanaged" content, where the child element points to an
> archive or exploded directory on the filesystem. Unmanaged means we
> haven't slurped the deployment bits into our content repository from
> which we will deploy them (and replicate them around the domain if
> domain mode is used.) Instead it's the user's responsibility to put the
> files where they say they are.
> c) the eventual aim is to support associating multiple pieces of content
> with a deployment, although this is not currently implemented.
> Effect of this is in the configuration model on Carlo's branch, a
> resource representing a deployment no longer has a "hash" attribute.
> Instead it has a "content" attribute of type ModelType.LIST. Each
> element in that list has these attributes:
> "hash" -- the sha1 hash for managed content
> OR, if "hash" is undefined, meaning content is unmanaged"
> "archive" -- ModelType.BOOLEAN indicating whether the unmanaged content
> is a zip
> "path" -- absolute or relative filesystem path
> "relative-to" -- (optional if "path is absolute) name of a system path
> against which "path" should be resolved
> The "add" and "full-replace" operations for a deployment have analogous
> changes. Instead of root level parameters describing the content (e.g.
> "hash" or "input-stream-index" or "url") they take a root level
> "content" parameter of ModelType.LIST. The elements in the list describe
> the content.
> We need to decide what to do with the<deployment>  element under
> <server-group>. I don't see any reason to duplicate all the content
> stuff. Simpler is just listing the unique name and whether the
> deployment is enabled:
> <domain>
>    <deployments>
>     <deployment name="foo.ear" runtime-name="foo.ear">
>       <content id="d37ede977b022a1456ec5e7a5eee07549cb1c414"/>
>     </deployment>
>    </deployments>
>    <server-groups>
>     <server-group ...>
>      <deployments>
>       <deployment name="foo.ear" enabled="true"/>
>      </deployments>
>     </server-group>
>    </server-groups>
> </domain>
> [1] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-431
> On 4/28/11 10:16 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
>> My system has been screwed up all afternoon/evening. I'm going to have
>> to look at this in the morning. :(
>> On 4/28/11 3:31 PM, Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>>> Test is passing now.
>>> https://github.com/jbossas/jboss-as/pull/32 is amended.
>>> Carlo
>>> On 04/27/2011 06:28 AM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
>>>> On 4/26/11 5:07 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
>>>>> I tested the former using the domain.interactive demo. That's not
>>>>> adequate of course. We need to solve knowing when a HostController and
>>>>> all its servers are fully up so we can execute proper tests without
>>>>> getting spurious failures due to timing.
>>>>> For the exploded thing, I'll add a variant of
>>>>> ServerInModuleStartupTestCase.testFilesystemDeployment(), hopefully
>>>>> tonight.
>>>> Test added to upstream:
>>>> http://github.com/jbossas/jboss-as/compare/54d4c17...b8eb339
>>>>> On 4/26/11 4:24 PM, Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>>>>>> Do we have test cases for those things?
>>>>>> Carlo
>>>>>> On 04/26/2011 10:58 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
>>>>>>> See https://github.com/bstansberry/jboss-as/commits/AS7-431 for the
>>>>>>> small things.
>>>>>>> Before we can merge this though, we need:
>>>>>>> 1) the DeploymentFullReplaceHandlers to work
>>>>>>> 2) exploded deployment from the deployments/ dir is broken. We should
>>>>>>> convert the FS scanner to add unmanaged content.
>>>>>>> If it's not implemented before this is merged, we need to have a JIRA
>>>>>>> for the TODO in domain mode DeploymentAddHandler to deal with
>>>>>>> unmanaged
>>>>>>> content.
>>>>>>> On 4/26/11 1:46 PM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'm testing this out; have a few comments, but I think the easiest
>>>>>>>> way
>>>>>>>> to make them is to put them on a branch.
>>>>>>>> One thing to discuss is the name of this "content" dir. I don't much
>>>>>>>> like that name since 1) it's so vague 2) we use the same name in
>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>> places in the dist for the dir where we store managed content. The
>>>>>>>> old
>>>>>>>> "system-content" in Alpha1 somewhat indicated that it was our
>>>>>>>> stuff, not
>>>>>>>> theirs. If we're not concerned about that "ours vs. theirs"
>>>>>>>> distinction
>>>>>>>> and are just trying to create a well-known location for sticking
>>>>>>>> unmanaged content, then perhaps "unmanaged-content" ? (I hope someone
>>>>>>>> has a better suggestion.)
>>>>>>>> On 4/26/11 10:21 AM, Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Now with domain working.
>>>>>>>>> Carlo
>>>>>>>>> On 04/26/2011 01:53 PM, Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> As Kabir spotted, the domain-controller bits are not working. I'm
>>>>>>>>>> working on those now.
>>>>>>>>>> Carlo
>>>>>>>>>> On 04/26/2011 10:15 AM, Carlo de Wolf wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Please review or pull https://github.com/jbossas/jboss-as/pull/32.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Carlo
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Brian Stansberry
Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat

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