[jboss-as7-dev] Subsystem Conventions

Heiko Braun hbraun at redhat.com
Tue Nov 8 03:44:50 EST 2011

With "properly" you probably mean "following existing conventions".
We've established certain conventions how typical data structures should be exposed. A good example is the datasource subsystem. If in doubt please contact Stan, me, or Brian Stansberry.

Regards, Heiko

On Nov 8, 2011, at 2:20 AM, ssilvert at redhat.com wrote:

> I'd like to add for all subsystem developers, please make  
> write-attribute/read-attribute work properly for all attributes  
> whenever possible.  This even goes for attributes that are  
> ModelType.List and ModelType.Property.
> We can generate the console UI much faster and more consistently when  
> the base operations work as expected.
> Quoting James Perkins <jperkins at redhat.com>:
>> I forgot to add to the list, I'd love to remove the update-properties
>> operation in favor of the write-attribute options.
>> On 11/07/2011 04:04 PM, James Perkins wrote:
>>> Feeding off a previous short discussion about removing operations from
>>> subsystems, I was thinking of removing a few of the operations from the
>>> logging subsystem. We are giving the root-logger a proper address type
>>> of /subsystem=logging/root-logger=ROOT. This moves the
>>> change-root-log-level operation to that path. I was thinking about
>>> removing that operation as it should probably be handled via the
>>> write-attribute operation.
>>> Along with the change-root-log-level, I'd like to rename the
>>> "root-logger-assign-handler" and "root-logger-unassign-handler" to
>>> remove the "root-logger" prefix.
>>> Also, I'd like to remove the change-log-level in the
>>> /subsystem=logging/logger=name path.
>>> Anyone have any thoughts or concerns about this?
>> --
>> James R. Perkins
>> JBoss by Red Hat
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