[jboss-as7-dev] API Feedback Releases: ShrinkWrap Descriptors 1.2.0-alpha Series

Andrew Lee Rubinger andrew.rubinger at redhat.com
Tue Sep 13 11:20:03 EDT 2011

Hi all:

Last week we made available ShrinkWrap Descriptors 1.2.0-alpha-1.

The scope of this project is very simple: Provide a object model DSL for 
metadata.  For instance:

final WebAppDescriptor desc = Descriptors.create(WebAppDescriptor.class)
final String exported = desc.exportAsString();

As contrasted with jboss-metadata, this intentionally does not take into 
account concerns like business logic (ie. validation, setting default 
values) or merging.  Also the implementation uses our own manual 
hierarchal state, so it's much faster than something like JAXB.

I'd like to invite everyone to check it out.  Everything in the api-spec 
and api-jboss modules is subject to change, and we'll want to ensure the 
API is something we're comfortable we're supporting before this reaches 
a Beta-level release.


A large portion of this development has come from the community, which 
is something we're very proud to say.

Andrew Lee Rubinger
Senior Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat
Twitter: @ALRubinger

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