[jboss-as7-dev] EJB Remote client design

David M. Lloyd david.lloyd at redhat.com
Wed Sep 14 23:50:10 EDT 2011

Okay so after a bunch of discussion with various personages, it looks 
like we have some remote EJB client design shaken out.  Please read 
through a couple times to make sure you have gotten a clear 
understanding to avoid questions that are already answered here.

Client API

We'll introduce a concept of an "EJB invocation receiver" or "EJB 
receiver" for short.  The job of this fellow is to receive invocations 
on behalf of a connection to a peer or a cluster or locally.  So for the 
Remoting transport, there is a 1:1 correspondence between connections 
and EJB receivers.

Multiple EJB receivers can be collected up into a single "EJB client 
context", each with a "preference" level.  Same-VM receivers will 
typically have a higher preference than remote receivers.

An EJB remote proxy (and by extension, its Handle) identify their EJB by 
the combination of application name, module name, "distinct" name, and 
bean name.  All of the equals()-type operations that are specified by 
EJB are implemented in terms of this basic level of equivalence (though 
some types have additional criteria, like SFSB using session ID as 
well).  There is no notion of a specific server address or URI in a 
proxy or handle.

The "distinct" name is an _optional_ name which can be associated with a 
deployment (by deployment descriptor, and possibly also by 
configuration) in the event that two different deployments which are 
visible from one client have the same application and module name. 
(Yes, I know you can't have two deployments with the same app+module 
name in one server; however, a client can "see" more than one server at 
once and may need to distinguish, especially if the user does not 
control the name of the deployment.)

Each EJB receiver has an obligation to keep the EJB client context 
updated with the list of module identities that it can access.  When a 
proxy is invoked upon, the EJB client context uses this table to select 
the destination.  This means that for the Remoting protocol for example, 
the server sends back messages informing the client of changes in 
deployment status (which should be relatively infrequent) as well as 
sending an initial summary of what modules are available.

Most client interceptors are associated with both an EJB client context 
and a receiver type.  This is because things like transactions, 
security, etc. will vary in their implementation based upon the protocol 
in use.

We _may_ support protocol-independent interceptors, however we'll have 
to evaluate use cases first.  If we do then most likely they'd work with 
a protocol-dependent counterpart; for example, a general security 
interceptor might attach additional principal information to the 
invocation in a standard spot, which the protocol-specific interceptor 
might then publish to the server (or not).

An invocation on a remote proxy will use whatever EJB client context is 
current for the calling thread.  Thus remote proxies and handles can be 
passed from one context to another (directly or via cloning or 
serialization) without any special action being taken.  If no EJB client 
context is available, remote invocation will fail immediately.

Remote Async Invocation

Any Session Bean remote interface method which returns a Future will 
always be treated as asynchronous by the client.  Methods which return 
void but are visibly (to the client) marked with the appropriate 
annotation will be treated as asynchronous.  Other methods which return 
void will not be automatically treated as asynchronous, though the 
server protocol allows for a message to come back to inform the client 
that the invocation will proceed asynchronously.

If the client knows that a method is asynchronous or wants to call a 
void method asynchronously, it may use a static API method to acquire an 
asynchronous "view" of that interface so that all calls to void methods 
proceed asynchronously:

    myProxy.theVoidMethod(); // called sync unless the server unblocks
    EJB.async(myProxy).theVoidMethod(); // called async always

This cannot be solved any other way as the client might not have access 
to the EJB metadata which specifies whether the method is asynchronous.

Client JNDI

Client JNDI is just a simple in-memory JNDI implementation.  We will not 
automatically bind anything to it at all, except in two possible cases: 
1. A simple configuration file which describes what to bind, or 2. A 
configuration instructing a binding list to be fetched from somewhere.

Clients running in an AS7 instance or in an AS7 application client 
container will be using our server JNDI implementation which supports 
injection, not the client JNDI implementation, which is reserved for 
truly standalone clients.

Server Implementation

The EE subsystem already contains most of the required APIs for handling 
remote invocations.  Any remotely accessible ComponentView will be 
registered with the remote invocation service along with its 
app/module/distinctName identification.

A special in-VM EJB receiver will also exist and will be similarly 
updated with the current available component views and their modules.

Management configurations will be introduced for the purpose of 
establishing and maintaining Remoting connections to remote servers.

EJB client contexts should be created for each deployment, and a 
deployment descriptor should be made available to any EE deployment for 
the purpose of associating Remoting connections (and probably clusters 
etc.) with the EJB client context for that EE module.  This allows each 
deployment to specify what remote servers it can "see", while still 
keeping the network configuration business in the central management model.

All deployments on the server which have an EE client context will have 
the in-VM receiver added to it automatically, so that it can access all 
EJBs in the server via remote interface locally.


Okay I think that's it for the first draft.  Please give feedback on 
anything that I might have missed or anything that's just outright wrong 
and needs to be changed.  In particular I'm currently assuming that IIOP 
exists in a world outside of other invocation forms, but that might not 
actually be desirable.


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