[jboss-as7-dev] manual way to do logging?

James Perkins jperkins at redhat.com
Thu Jun 7 19:06:41 EDT 2012

On 06/07/2012 02:47 PM, Jim Crossley wrote:
>> 1 is a strength so I'm assuming you're not arguing about that.
> Wow. That's pretty dismissive of the #1 reason he cites.
> Sure I'm a polyglot and all, but sometimes I think you guys too readily
> discount the cost of achieving the perceived benefits of type-safety.
> "I want to log a message."
> "Sure, just create an interface and add a method for it."
> "I'm sorry, did you say 'interface'?"
> "Yes, and don't forget to annotate it."
> "WTF?"
I'll admit adding a method for every time you want to throw a new 
exception or log a message can be a PITA. The alternative isn't much 
better in that you'd have to add a message to a resource bundle. Seems 
pretty equal to me for the amount of time it would take and really it 
being a PITA is a benefit. It's much easier to spot someone logging a 
plain text message or throwing an exception when an interface is 
required rather then every time you see one having to check if they also 
put that message in a resource bundle. Trust me, many messages will slip 
by from both sides being in a rush and just skipping it.
> If having to create an interface method for each thing you want to log
> doesn't exceed your "developer pain threshold" then it's set way too
> high (or your IDE is numbing the pain) and that will inevitably lead to
> complex, over-engineered systems.
> So you have to acknowledge that cost before Bill or anyone not
> intimately familiar with the logging requirements will appreciate how
> much value he's getting. And it better be a crapload 'cause that cost is
> Sorry to prolong the dialog, but you guys don't seem to be
> communicating.
> And I'm here to help ;-)
> Jim
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James R. Perkins
JBoss by Red Hat

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