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labs-admin at jboss.com labs-admin at jboss.com
Fri Nov 30 01:00:31 EST 2007

Commit from dallen (2007-11-29 01:32 EST)

generate-model should call validate-project just like generate-ui; that way they can be used independently for two-way generation

  jboss-seam  seam-gen/build.xml  1.121

Commit from dallen (2007-11-29 03:23 EST)

just a comment

  jboss-seam  src/test/unit/org/jboss/seam/test/unit/PageActionsTest.java  1.3

Commit from sbryzak2 (2007-11-29 08:37 EST)

added s:conversationName

  jboss-seam  examples/seambay/view/auction.xhtml  1.14

Commit from pmuir (2007-11-29 09:45 EST)

Slightly better

  jboss-seam  src/main/org/jboss/seam/bpm/SeamExpressionEvaluator.java  1.7

Commit from pmuir (2007-11-29 09:45 EST)

And the test

  jboss-seam  src/test/integration/src/org/jboss/seam/test/integration/bpm/SeamExpressionEvaluatorTest.java  1.3

Commit from pmuir (2007-11-29 10:10 EST)

Try some different JS

  jboss-seam  ui/src/main/java/org/jboss/seam/ui/renderkit/CommandButtonParameterRendererBase.java  1.2

Commit from pmuir (2007-11-29 10:50 EST)

Make generate-ui work for war style project

  jboss-seam  seam-gen/build.xml  1.122

Commit from dallen (2007-11-29 13:11 EST)

be smarter about the project target that is called to prepare for generate-ui and the classpath that is used
introduced the project.ear boolean property to complement project.war

  jboss-seam  seam-gen/build.xml  1.123

Commit from sbryzak2 (2007-11-29 17:03 EST)


  jboss-seam  src/main/org/jboss/seam/core/ConversationInterceptor.java  1.5

Commit from pmuir (2007-11-29 17:33 EST)

Add conversationName attribute

  jboss-seam  ui/src/main/java/org/jboss/seam/ui/component/UISeamCommandBase.java  1.10
  jboss-seam  ui/src/main/config/component/link.xml                                1.6
  jboss-seam  ui/src/main/config/component/button.xml                              1.7

Commit from dallen (2007-11-29 20:14 EST)

expose the archive task from the project build
slight reordering of tasks for a more logic order

  jboss-seam  seam-gen/build.xml  1.124

Commit from dallen (2007-11-29 20:39 EST)

rename generate to generate-entities
alias generate-entities to generate (backwards compatibility)
document generate, generate-ui, generate-model
correct information about seam-gen regarding the Ant requirement (it is not required)

  jboss-seam  seam-gen/README     1.24
  jboss-seam  seam-gen/build.xml  1.125

Commit from sbryzak2 (2007-11-29 22:39 EST)

null check

  jboss-seam  src/main/org/jboss/seam/core/ConversationInterceptor.java  1.6
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