[jboss-cvs] JBossAS SVN: r82131 - projects/docs/community/5/Installation_And_Getting_Started_Guide/en-US.
jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
jboss-cvs-commits at lists.jboss.org
Tue Dec 9 03:18:56 EST 2008
Author: scott.stark at jboss.org
Date: 2008-12-09 03:18:56 -0500 (Tue, 09 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 82131
JBAS-6280, update source build info
Modified: projects/docs/community/5/Installation_And_Getting_Started_Guide/en-US/Installation_With_Source_Download.xml
--- projects/docs/community/5/Installation_And_Getting_Started_Guide/en-US/Installation_With_Source_Download.xml 2008-12-09 07:05:24 UTC (rev 82130)
+++ projects/docs/community/5/Installation_And_Getting_Started_Guide/en-US/Installation_With_Source_Download.xml 2008-12-09 08:18:56 UTC (rev 82131)
@@ -80,47 +80,69 @@
To build the JBoss Application Server source files with Apache ANT, from a terminal change directory to where the unzipped source files are. In the following example we are assuming that the source files were copied and unzipped in the logged in user's <filename>downloads</filename> folder.
- <screen>[user at localhost]$ cd /home/user/downloads/<literal>jboss-<release>-src</literal>/build
- [user at localhost build]$ ls
- aspects component-matrix docbook-support iiop jmx mbeans security system-jmx tools
- bootstrap connector ejb3 j2se jmx-remoting messaging server testsuite varia
- build console embedded jbossas main pom.xml spring-int thirdparty webservices
- cluster deployment hibernate-int jbossmq management profileservice system tomcat
- </screen>
+<screen>[user at localhost]$ cd /home/user/downloads/<literal>jboss-<release>-src</literal>/build
+[504][valkyrie: jboss-5.0.0.GA-src]$ ls
+aspects hibernate-int security
+bootstrap iiop server
+build j2se spring-int
+client jbossas system
+cluster jmx system-jmx
+component-matrix jmx-remoting testsuite
+connector main thirdparty
+console management tomcat
+deployment mbeans tools
+docbook-support messaging varia
+ejb3 pom.xml webservices
+embedded profileservice
From the contents of the <filename>build</filename> directory above, you can see the <filename>build.xml</filename> file which is used by Apache ANT as a configuration file when building your source files.
The next step is to perform the build using Apache ANT as illustrated below.
- <screen>[user at localhost build]$ ant
- compile-classes:
- [mkdir] Created dir: /jboss/jboss-<release>-src/tomcat/output/classes
- [javac] Compiling 89 source files to /jboss/jboss-<release>-src/tomcat/output/classes
- ....
- ....content truncated
- .....
- .....
- _buildmagic:build-bypass-check:
- jars:
- most:
- main:
- Total time: 2 seconds</screen>
+[571][valkyrie: build]$ ant
+Buildfile: build.xml
+Trying to override old definition of task property
+[copy] Copying 1 file to /Users/svn/Releases/jboss-5.0.0.GA-src/build
+[echo] groups: default
+[echo] modules: bootstrap,main,j2se,mbeans,jmx,system,system-jmx,security,server,deployment,jbossas/remoting,jmx-remoting,jbossas/jmx-remoting,messaging,cluster,varia,iiop,aspects,profileservice,connector,management,ejb3,tomcat,webservices,hibernate-int,console,spring-int
+[echo] Calling mvn command located in /Users/svn/Releases/jboss-5.0.0.GA-src/build/../tools/maven
+Total time: 21 minutes 34 seconds
- A successful build will have the above message. If your build fails, please check the error log and ensure that your configuration files and environment variables are correctly set. The JBoss Application Server files are built under the <filename>build/output/jboss-<release></filename> directory as indicated below.
+ A successful build will have the above message. The first time you build the tree it will download a large number of thirdparty files from maven repositories. After that, these will be used from the local repository and the build will be much faster. Typical initial build times can be 30 minutes with subsequent build times 3 minutes. If your build fails, please check the error log and ensure that your configuration files and environment variables are correctly set. The JBoss Application Server files are built under the <filename>build/output/jboss-<release></filename> directory as indicated below.
<para>At this point the JBoss Application Server source files build is a hybrid one (builds in both Ant and Maven) because it declares all JBoss dependencies as maven2 artifacts, however after the dependencies are resolved/imported the legacy ant based build is used to compile and build the distribution. The JBoss Application Server source files will change to a full maven build soon.
- <screen>[user at localhost build]$ ls
- build.bat build-old.xml build-thirdparty-old.xml eclipse.psf output
- build-distr.xml build-release.xml build.xml etc pom.xml
- build.log build.sh docs local.properties VersionRelease.java
- [user at localhost build]$ cd output/jboss-<release>
- [user at localhost build]$ ls
- bin client docs lib server
- </screen>
+[578][valkyrie: build]$ ls
+VersionRelease.java build.sh local.properties
+build-distr.xml build.xml output
+build-release.xml docs pom.xml
+build.bat eclipse.psf
+build.log etc
+[579][valkyrie: build]$ ls output/
+[580][valkyrie: build]$
The <filename>jboss-<release></filename> directory contains your successful JBoss Application Server files. You can copy this folder to a different location or run the server from this folder after setting the JBOSS_HOME environment variable in your <filename>.bashrc</filename> file. Next you need to set your JBOSS_HOME environment variables. This is discussed in <xref linkend="setting_JBOSS_HOME"/>.
Modified: projects/docs/community/5/Installation_And_Getting_Started_Guide/en-US/The_JBoss_Server_A_Quick_Tour.xml
--- projects/docs/community/5/Installation_And_Getting_Started_Guide/en-US/The_JBoss_Server_A_Quick_Tour.xml 2008-12-09 07:05:24 UTC (rev 82130)
+++ projects/docs/community/5/Installation_And_Getting_Started_Guide/en-US/The_JBoss_Server_A_Quick_Tour.xml 2008-12-09 08:18:56 UTC (rev 82131)
@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN"
-<!ENTITY versionNumber "5.0.0.GA">
-<!ENTITY copyrightYear "2008">
-<!ENTITY copyrightHolder "Red Hat Middleware, LLC.">
<!ELEMENT xi:include (xi:fallback?) >
<!ATTLIST xi:include
xmlns:xi CDATA #FIXED "http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
@@ -26,6 +23,7 @@
<!ENTITY % local.info.class "| xi:include" >
<!ENTITY % local.common.attrib "xml:base CDATA #IMPLIED
xmlns:xi CDATA #FIXED 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude'" >
<chapter id="The_JBoss_Server___A_Quick_Tour">
@@ -94,13 +92,16 @@
<section id="The_JBoss_Server___A_Quick_Tour-Bootstrap_Configuration">
<title>Bootstrap Configuration</title>
- <para>The microcontainer bootstrap configuration is described by the <filename>conf/bootstrap.xml</filename> and the <filename>conf/bootstrap/*.xml</filename> it references.</para>
+ <para>The microcontainer bootstrap configuration is described by the <filename>conf/bootstrap.xml</filename> and the <filename>conf/bootstrap/*.xml</filename> it references. Its expected that the number of bootstrap beans will be reduced in the future. Its not expected that you would need to edit the bootstrap configuration files for a typical installation.</para>
<section id="Basic_Configuration_Issues-Core_Services">
- <title>Core Services</title>
+ <title>Legacy Core Services</title>
The legacy core services specified in the <filename>conf/jboss-service.xml</filename> file are started just after server starts up the microcontainer. If you have a look at this file in an editor you will see MBeans for various services including logging, security, JNDI, JNDIView etc. Try commenting out the entry for the <literal>JNDIView</literal> service.
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ Eventually this file will be dropped as the services are converted to microcontainer beans or mbeans that are deployed as deploy directory services.</para></note>
Note that because the mbeans definition had nested comments, we had to comment out the mbean in two sections, leaving the original comment as it was.
@@ -130,7 +131,7 @@
Logging is controlled from a central <filename>conf/jboss-log4j.xml</filename> file. This file defines a set of appenders specifying the log files, what categories of messages should go there, the message format and the level of filtering. By default, JBoss produces output to both the console and a log file (<filename>log/server.log</filename>).
- There are 5 basic log levels used: <literal>DEBUG</literal>, <literal>INFO</literal>, <literal>WARN</literal>, <literal>ERROR</literal> and <literal>FATAL</literal>. The logging threshold on the console is <literal>INFO</literal>, which means that you will see informational messages, warning messages and error messages on the console but not general debug messages. In contrast, there is no threshold set for the <filename>server.log</filename> file, so all generated logging messages will be logged there.
+ There are 6 basic log levels used: <literal>TRACE</literal>, <literal>DEBUG</literal>, <literal>INFO</literal>, <literal>WARN</literal>, <literal>ERROR</literal> and <literal>FATAL</literal>. The logging threshold on the console is <literal>INFO</literal>, which means that you will see informational messages, warning messages and error messages on the console but not general debug messages. In contrast, there is no threshold set for the <filename>server.log</filename> file, so all generated logging messages will be logged there.
If things are going wrong and there doesn’t seem to be any useful information in the console, always check the <filename>server.log</filename> file to see if there are any debug messages which might help you to track down the problem. However, be aware that just because the logging threshold allows debug messages to be displayed, that doesn't mean that all of JBoss will produce detailed debug information for the log file. You will also have to boost the logging limits set for individual categories. Take the following category for example.
@@ -255,7 +256,7 @@
<section id="Basic_Configuration_Issues-Additional_Services">
<title>Additional Services</title>
- The non-core, hot-deployable services are added to the <filename class="directory">deploy</filename> directory. They can be either XML descriptor files, <filename>*-service.xml</filename>, or JBoss Service Archive (SAR) files. SARs contain both the XML descriptor and additional resources the service requires (e.g. classes, library JAR files or other archives), all packaged up into a single archive.
+ The non-core, hot-deployable services are added to the <filename class="directory">deploy</filename> directory. They can be either XML descriptor files, <filename>*-service.xml, *-jboss-beans.xml</filename>, MC <filename>.beans</filename> archive, or JBoss Service Archive (SAR) files. SARs contains an META-INF/jboss-service.xml descriptor and additional resources the service requires (e.g. classes, library JAR files or other archives), all packaged up into a single archive. Similarly, a <filename>.beans</filename> archive contains a META-INF/jboss-beans.xml and additional resources.
Detailed information on all these services can be found in the <emphasis>JBoss Application Server: Configuration Guide</emphasis>, which also provides comprehensive information on server internals and the implementation of services such as JTA and the J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA).
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