[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of POJO Server] - Re: Updating docs

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Sep 19 10:50:49 EDT 2006

They express an intention to implement 2 phase deployment
and atomic redeployment.

new.prepareDeploy() // take the new deployment to the ready stage
old.prepareUndeploy() // get ready to undeploy
handoff(new, old); // handover control
new.commitDeploy(); // you are now in control
old.commitUndeploy(); // you are out of here

I doubt the final api will be this simple since it will have to deal
with mutliple deployers on multiple aspects of the deployment. :-)

For now, the AbstractSimpleDeployer is a better api
with its deploy()/undeploy()

In fact, I'm aiming for an api where the deployers don't
really deal with the lifecycle directly and instead provide
metadata on which parts of the deployment they want
to do work on and "when".

I create a ServiceDeployment and LoaderRepositoryConfig from -service.xml 

I split a ServiceDeployment into its component ServiceMetaData

I create classloaders from LoaderRepositoryConfig

I'm the real deployer of ServiceMetaData


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