[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of POJO Server] - property values in ManagementViewImpl.applyTemplate

alex.loubyansky@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Dec 20 02:08:49 EST 2007

The following part in ManagementViewImpl looks strange to me.
What is the logic with serializable?
The componentName for connection factories is always null. Even if it wasn't, they wouldn't be registered to the kernel, would they? Or I missing the part where they are registered?


   public void applyTemplate(DeploymentPhase phase, String deploymentBaseName, DeploymentTemplateInfo info)
  | ...
  |          // TODO - decide what is the type of value when we set it
  |          // since currently get always returns MetaValue, but we see some cases
  |          // where plain Serializable is enough
  |          Serializable serializable;
  |          MetaValue metaValue;
  |          Object value = prop.getValue();
  |          if (value instanceof MetaValue)
  |          {
  |             metaValue = (MetaValue)value;
  |             MetaType metaType = metaValue.getMetaType();
  |             if (metaType.isSimple())
  |                serializable = ((SimpleValue)metaValue).getValue();
  |             else if (metaType.isGeneric())
  |                serializable = ((GenericValue)metaValue).getValue();
  |             else
  |                serializable = null;
  |          }
  |          else
  |          {
  |             serializable = (Serializable)value;
  |             metaValue = metaValueFactory.create(value);
  |          }
  | // I add this check for the tests to pass         if(serializable != null)
  |          ctxProp.setValue(serializable);
  |          // todo - should this also dispatch to runtime component?
  |          Object componentName = getComponentName(ctxProp);
  |          if("xa-datasource-properties".equals(ctxProp.getName()))
  |             System.out.println("componentName for prop=" + ctxProp.getName() + ": " + componentName + " " + ctxProp.getManagedObject());
  |          if (componentName != null)
  |             dispatcher.set(componentName, ctxProp.getName(), metaValue);
  |       }
  |    }

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