[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of POJO Server] - Re: Getting runtime component name from attachment

alesj do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Oct 9 03:54:41 EDT 2007

This would/does produce a CCE with the current code:

In AbstractManagedObjectFactory.getValue

Property is not managed, so we resolve to a simple metattype

  |                if (managed)
  |                {
  |                   TypeInfo typeInfo = propertyInfo.getType();
  |                   if( typeInfo.isArray() || typeInfo.isCollection() )
  |                      metaType = new ArrayMetaType(1, MANAGED_OBJECT_META_TYPE);
  |                   else
  |                      metaType = MANAGED_OBJECT_META_TYPE;
  |                }
  |                else
  |                {
  |                   metaType = metaTypeFactory.resolve(propertyInfo.getType());
  |                }

And since metatype is not managed we push in simple value
  |       return metaValueFactory.create(value, propertyInfo.getType());

But on the ManagementViewImpl.processManagedObject

  // See if this is a ManagementObjectRef
  |             ManagementObjectRef ref = (ManagementObjectRef) pannotations.get(ManagementObjectRef.class.getName());
  |             if ( ref != null )
  |             {
  |                // The reference key is the prop value + ref.type()
  |                log.debug("Property("+prop.getName()+") references: "+ref);
  |                SimpleValue refValue = (SimpleValue) prop.getValue();
  |                String refName = (String) refValue.getValue();
  |                if (refName == null)
  |                   refName = ref.name();
  |                String targetKey = refName + "/" + ref.type();

refValue.getValue() is an Integer, since our property returned max-pool-size. :-)

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