[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of POJO Server] - Re: property values in ManagementViewImpl.applyTemplate

scott.stark@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Feb 7 23:08:04 EST 2008

"alex.loubyansky at jboss.com" wrote : I created ManagedObjectNameProperty which every time overrides the managed object's name whenever a new value is set.
  | This hack eliminates the hack in ManagedConnectionFactoryParserDeployer. And would work for JMS destinations if there was a way for a client to know the full path of the JMS destination deployment they are creating. 
  | ...
Ok, I see what the problem is with the template ManagedProperty to ManagedObject.name is. What is needed is a mapping from the required ManagedProperty that provides the value of the ManagementObjectID(jndi name for DS) to ManagedObject name. So, the applyTemplate code first has to scan through the DeploymentTemplateInfo to find the one with the ManagementObjectID annotation, and then update the associated ManagedProperty's ManagedObject name. I'll test that.

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