[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Build System] - Re: maven-metadata.xml and 'mvn release:perform'

pgier do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Mar 31 10:34:08 EDT 2008

"dimitris at jboss.org" wrote : 
  | a) I can see version 2.2.3.GA missing. Given this one was used by other components, I conclude the maven-metadata.xml is not always necessary?
The metadata is recommended but not really required.  If you have a dependency on version 2.2.3.GA in your project it will still download fine.  I would like to set up a repository manager that could be used to fix any broken metadata.
anonymous wrote : 
  | b) Anyone knows if ordering is important?
No the ordering is not important.  It's just a list that can be used for client tools (maybe IDE plugins) to easily look up what versions are available.

anonymous wrote : 
  | c) What's the meaning of v2.0.5.GA as it is recorded below?
According to one of the developers on the maven irc this version is ignored.  I guess it was used in the past but not anymore.

anonymous wrote : 
  | Another problem I noticed is the moment you are doing the 'mvn release:perform' you need to have checked all the versions of a component, in-order to get access to the maven-metadata.xml, so the new version is correctly added. That means a lot of garbage in your local filesystem, just to do a simple release.

Yeah, this is a problem with using svn to back our repository.  Most maven repositories upload via webdav or some kind of straight file copy.  I'm not sure what is a better solution for this assuming that we want to keep svn.  If svn allowed you to filter which files/directories you checkout it would help, but I don't think there is currently a way to do that.

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