[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of POJO Server] - Re: migrating TransactionManager and Invokers to POJO

jhalliday do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu May 22 06:09:44 EDT 2008

OK, so I now have a POJO version of both the JTA and JTS TransactionManager. The next trick will be actually getting it into the app server. I guess I need to do a CR level JBossTS release, since that's where the AS is headed. Once that's published, JBossAS trunk can be changed to consume it.  I'd also like to include support for the new crash recovery SPI though, which will mean first doing a new jboss-integration release and putting that into the AS, so that the JBossTS build can use it.

Dimitris, do you have any problem with us doing these updates before AS 5.0 CR1, or do you want to wait until after?

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