[jboss-dev-forums] [JBoss Cache Development] - cache NULL each time I hit a button

barbara b do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Jan 10 10:05:24 EST 2011

barbara b [http://community.jboss.org/people/barbaraboie] created the discussion

"cache NULL each time I hit a button"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/579794#579794

Before, I used a previous version of JBoss Cache where I simply could use in every bean CacheProvider:

 CacheProvider cacheProvider  

 public void method(){     
      List) cacheProvider.get("tree-"+id);

      if (rubriek == null){          

and the caching worked just fine through the whole site.

Now I'm trying to work with JBoss Cache 3.2.5.GA and it's not working. Every time I click on a button, the cache is empty. 

I started changing the code in each bean into

CacheFactory factory = new DefaultCacheFactory();
Cache cache = factory.createCache("cache-configuration.xml"); 

public void method(){     
      Fqn fqn = Fqn.fromString("/id"+id) 
      List) cache.get(fqn,"tree");       

      if (rubriek == null){          

When I tried this code, I saw that the cache was emptied each time I hit a button. I thought the problem was that I start in each bean a new Cache by using factory.createCache("cache-configuration.xml")

So I made a new class that can be used in every bean, so that the cache is only started once:

public class CacheHelper{      
     public static CacheFactory  factory = new DefaultCacheFactory();       
     public static Cache cache = factory.createCache("cache-configuration.xml"); 

and in each bean

public void method(){     
      List) CacheHelper.cache.get(fqn,"tree");       
      if (rubriek == null){           

But the cache is still empty each time I click on a button.

Is there anyone who can tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks a lot in advance!

O, this is my cache-configuration.xml

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