[JBoss-dev] RE: JMS tasks from jboss-4.0.5

Richard Achmatowicz richard.achmatowicz at jboss.com
Fri Sep 15 18:48:24 EDT 2006

-----Original Message-----
From: Ovidiu  Feodorov
Sent: Fri 9/15/2006 3:39 PM
To: Adrian Brock
Cc: Dimitris Andreadis; Weston Price; Ovidiu  Feodorov; Tim Fox; JBoss.org development list; Richard Achmatowicz
Subject: Re: JMS tasks from jboss-4.0.5
>Adrian Brock wrote:
>> Ideally, JBoss Messaging and JBossMQ should be sharing a testsuite
>> using the JBossAdmin abstraction I wrote when I integerated the
>> JORAM testsuite.
> That's still the plan and it was Rajdeep's perpetual task, until he 
> disappeared from the radar: 
> http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBMESSAGING-185

> Richard Achmatowicz is currently working on Messaging test integration, 
> this task would naturally fit there.

> Related discussion thread: 
> http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3968806#3968806

> Richard, what is the status?

With reference to the related discussion thread:
1. Due to the TCK-related changes to the testsuite, Messaging is now being brought into /thirdparty 
during the JBAS build. I have therefore put on hold making changes to allow testsuite to 
indepdendently pull in libraries from the repository. 

2. release-admin.xml creates a scoped deployment, and it appears that this is what we need (for the 
present) in order to execute Messaging within JBAS. Thus, in order to finish off the changes described
in the related discussion thread, I just need to get release-admin into repository and use it to construct
the Messaging configuration. I'll put that as top priority for Monday.

3. Once I have one JMS test executing against Messaging, the next step is to identify which of the 
existing JBossMQ tests (in src/main/org/jboss/test/jbossmq) are pure-JMS and which are JBossMQ-specific
(i.e. which test implementation dependent features of JBossMQ). These pure-JMS tests will then also be
used to test Messaging. Ovidiu was going to deal with creating any additional Messaging-specific test cases, 
if required. 

At the moment, the idea was to create a separate src/main/org/jboss/test/jbossmessaging directory which would hold all Messaging-related JMS tests, shared or not, in order not to interfere with the existing JBossMQ tests in the directory src/main/org/jboss/test/jbossmq. But then sharing the test cases isn't so clean - the shared
tests would all be located in the jbossmq directory. 

A directory arrangement which would make sense would be to have pure JMS tests in a dirctory called jms,
JBossMQ-specific JMS tests in a directory called jbossmq and Messaging-specific JMS tests in jbossmessaging.
That would make sharing easy. But from my understanding that isn't the present state of affairs.

I can't remember off hand the purpose of the (very few) tests in the 'existing' directory 
src/main/org/jboss/test/jms, but they will play a part as well.

My initial approach would be to live with separate copies of the shared JMS tests (based in the JBossAdmin) 
abstraction, in both the jbossmq and messaging directories until things stabilized, and then adjust the contents of the directories shortly afterward to allow use of a single copy of each test, perhaps using trhe directory naming mentioned above.
Comments? Suggestions? 

> Cheers,
> Ovidiu

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