[JBoss-dev] Re: JMS tasks from jboss-4.0.5

Ovidiu Feodorov ovidiu at jboss.org
Mon Sep 18 14:27:03 EDT 2006

Richard Achmatowicz wrote:

> Ovidiu was going to deal with creating any additional 
> Messaging-specific test cases,
> if required.

Any additional Messaging-specific test cases go to the functional 
testsuite, which is private to Messaging.
The AS testsuite should contain only JMS generic tests: The "old" 
JBossMQ (but non-JBossMQ specific) ones, and these 
http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBMESSAGING-185. These are the JORAM 
test Adrian was talking about. I would rather like to see you taking 
over that task, as well ...

> At the moment, the idea was to create a separate 
> src/main/org/jboss/test/jbossmessaging directory which would hold all 
> Messaging-related JMS tests
Why do we need this? Why would be testing Messaging-specific 
functionality in the AS?

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